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Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin: the mismatch of passions
Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin: the mismatch of passions

Video: Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin: the mismatch of passions

Video: Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin: the mismatch of passions
Video: Four sisters in Ancient Rome - Ray Laurence - YouTube 2024, September
Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin: the mismatch of passions
Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin: the mismatch of passions

The name of Marlene Dietrich, a cult actress and outrageous beauty of the last century, is associated with many amazing celebrity romances. A woman who conquered the world with her sexy voice, which either mesmerized like the sounds of a gentle harp, then sounded with the hoarse aspiration of an angry lioness, or it was sharp, like the blow of a whip. She was bisexual and always loved like the last time - with every cell of her being. But one feeling lived in her all her life. Love for Jean Gabin.


In May 1923, the famous German film director Sieber married the young actress Marlene Dietrich. Then her name was Maria Magdalena. She showed great promise, standing out among young colleagues with an extraordinary appearance and a magical timbre of voice. Rudolph immediately realized that in front of him was a future star.

Marlene Dietrich is the undisputed star
Marlene Dietrich is the undisputed star

Soon Marlene gave birth to a daughter, and after a few months she began acting in films. The marriage with Sieber turned from a fleeting romance into a friendly creative union. By that time, Sieber fell in love with the dancer, and Marlene had a myriad of mistresses and lovers. The couple did not hide from each other their relationship on the side, but they were in no hurry to divorce and lived under the same roof.

Marlene Dietrich and Rudolf Sieber. 1937 year
Marlene Dietrich and Rudolf Sieber. 1937 year

In 1930, Dietrich played a cabaret singer in the film Blue Angel. This tape brought her immense popularity, and she was offered to sign a contract with the Paramount film studio.

Marlene Dietrich in the film Blue Angel
Marlene Dietrich in the film Blue Angel

Marlene travels to the States with her family. There she starred in a number of films that bring her not only world fame, but also large fees. Dietrich herself makes adjustments to the direction and comes up with the costumes of the characters. She does not play fatal women - she herself is such in essence …

Half an hour before love

Marlene Dietrich with officers of the Third Reich
Marlene Dietrich with officers of the Third Reich

With Hitler's rise to power in Germany, a lot in life changed for Marlene. The Fuhrer demanded that the actress become the face of the Third Reich. But Marlene hated fascism and, having adopted American citizenship, escaped a fatal fate.

In a short time, Dietrich changed dozens of fans, including Kirk Douglas and Frank Sinatra. Ernest Hemingway adored this woman, trusting her to read her manuscripts first. He explained this by the fact that his girlfriend, like no one else, could appreciate the scenes of love, having unrivaled experience in this area. A Erich Maria Remarque even wanted to marry Marlene.

Erich Maria Remarque and Marlene Dietrich
Erich Maria Remarque and Marlene Dietrich

Marlene's character changed radically when French actor Jean Gabin appeared in her life. She was three years his senior and offered to help promote him in Hollywood. And fell in love without any preamble. The actress bought a small house near the "Dream Factory" and turned her cozy nest into a piece of France to please her beloved. Now she became an exemplary wife, and she loved this role. She mastered the village cuisine and prepared Jean his favorite dishes every day. Marlene perfectly learned French and even tried to imitate the Gabin dialect, speaking with him in his native language. She later admitted that she loved him like an adult child.

The idyll did not last long: lovers often broke the oath of allegiance, which, however, did not interfere with their feelings for each other, which boiled with passions and jealousy, like a volcano.

Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin
Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin

Among the lovers of the actress at that time visited Edith Piaf and Gerard Philippe, and from time to time she spent tender minutes with her former friends. Jean Gabin's patience came to an end when Marlene informed him of her pregnancy. He was not sure of his paternity. The actor joined the French army and went to Morocco as part of the tank forces.


Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin. 1946 year
Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin. 1946 year

Marlene could not imagine her life without Jean. After having an abortion, she went to Algeria to find Gabin. Having sold all her property, the actress, along with the troupe, went to support the American soldiers with dancing and singing. She endured so many hardships and hardships until she found her fugitive. She suffered pneumonia from which she almost died; frostbitten hands, giving concerts before the battle in the Ardennes. She spent the night in sleeping bags and did not always eat well, because she sent all the money she received to her family. It happened that she fell under the bombing, but she survived and still found Jeanne. For some time they were still together, and she absorbed the last drops of her happiness. Gaben, this brutal man, chained her heart to him forever. But its cooling was already felt.

Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin
Marlene Dietrich and Jean Gabin

When Gabin's Panzer Division moved on, Marlene and her colleagues returned to America. Their troupe was disbanded, and at the New York airport she was met only by her husband Rudolph, with whom she never divorced. The actress had no job, no money, and she went to Paris, where luck smiled again at Dietrich - she was offered a new role.


The time comes and everything ends …
The time comes and everything ends …

After the war, Gaben was not in demand. He increasingly disappeared in taverns, got a mistress in the person of a young French woman and soon wrote a farewell letter to Marlene, where he confessed that she was the only love in his life. Dietrich did not believe that it all ended so simply. She looked for meetings with her beloved, tried to find him in crowded places and even rented an apartment near his house. I waited for hours at the window to just fleetingly see my native image. But when I met, I heard a rude: "What the hell are you doing here?"

Marlene Dietrich is a 1930s superstar
Marlene Dietrich is a 1930s superstar

And later she fought desperately for her happiness. She bombarded Gabena with letters, but did not receive any answers. The woman realized that she was chasing the shadow of her past, which could never be returned.

Until the end of her life, Marlene Dietrich lived alone in Paris. Her daughter Maria remained in the States, where she successfully married and gave birth to four children. With her mother, she rarely spoke and that Marlene was bedridden, she learned from the landlord, who was trying to evict the former screen star from the apartment for non-payment.

Dietrich was no longer afraid to go into another world. She always said that you need to be afraid of life, not death. The great actress died at the age of 91. Ironically, on this day, the Cannes Film Festival opened in France. The coffin with Marlene's body was covered with a French flag and a burial service was held in the church. Then, under the American flag, they were sent to Germany. In Berlin, already under the German flag, she was buried in the family crypt.

The final resting place of the blue angel of cinema
The final resting place of the blue angel of cinema

Thus ended the path of the "blue angel", the path of earthly love of the most intriguing woman in world cinema.

There was in the life of Marlene Dietrich and another man - Ernest Hemingway. But it was a completely different story - pen love.
