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How the princess of Sri Lanka found happiness in Russia: "Roman Holidays" with a happy ending
How the princess of Sri Lanka found happiness in Russia: "Roman Holidays" with a happy ending

Video: How the princess of Sri Lanka found happiness in Russia: "Roman Holidays" with a happy ending

Video: How the princess of Sri Lanka found happiness in Russia:
Video: Nazi Book Burning - YouTube 2024, September

Their story was similar to the plot of the famous movie "Roman Holiday", only its ending was happy. A princess from the ancient Sri Lankan clan Farida Moddalige fled from her parental home on the eve of her own wedding, preferring to marry an aristocrat to live with a simple Russian Mikhail Bondarenko. She had to endure a long break with her family, learn to iron shirts and cook borscht. But she never once regretted the decision she once made to become happy.

An ancient princess and a Russian businessman

Farida Moddalige
Farida Moddalige

She is a representative of the ancient family of Sri Lanka, whose ancestor was the legendary Raji Singh, the Lion King. It was he who, back in the 17th century, was able to unite Central and Eastern Ceylon, which fought among themselves. The magnificent commander and tough ruler is still one of the most respected and beloved persons in the history of Sri Lanka, and his descendants are still members of the government and influence the political situation in the country.

Belonging to a noble family left its mark on the way of life and duties of Princess Fariida. In the family, the mother is considered the main one, whose word is an immutable law. She also decided who would become the husband of her daughter when she was only five years old. The choice of the mother fell on the aristocrat Leonardo, the same age as Fariida, who was suitable for the princess by birth.

Farida Moddalige
Farida Moddalige

The girl grew up, studied at a women's school at a Catholic monastery, then studied psychology at the Sri Lankan Institute in Peradeniya, and later received an education in international relations at Oxford. And at a social reception in London, she first saw Mikhail Bondarenko.

He was not a representative of the aristocracy, there were ordinary people in his family, and Mikhail Bondarenko himself managed to work as a journalist before meeting his princess, do business and appreciate all the delights of life and recreation in Cyprus. In the 1990s, he was very productive in business.

In the spring of 1996, a business necessity brought the businessman to London. He did not like this prim city with its eternal fogs and dampness too much. Therefore, he came to the diplomatic reception not in the best mood. At a diplomatic reception, he was frankly bored, but soon noticed a girl in an amazing national dress in the motley crowd. A friendly smile shone on her swarthy face, her gaze was lively and interested. Then they managed to exchange just a couple of phrases, and the young people parted, not even thinking that they could meet again ever.

Farida Moddalige
Farida Moddalige

In the summer of 1996, Farida went to Cyprus to her uncle. She wanted to experience for herself how ordinary people live, who need to go to work every day and do everyday things. The princess found the idea of working as a salesman in a store very attractive, and she was able to get a job as a saleswoman in a local supermarket. She was assigned to the department selling chocolate, and the girl stood behind the counter. It was there that Mikhail saw her for the second time.

runaway Bride

Farida Moddalige and Mikhail Bondarenko
Farida Moddalige and Mikhail Bondarenko

At first, he did not even believe his eyes: the same girl was at a reception in London. He even went up to ask her name. Farida smiled slyly and reminded him of the meeting in the capital of Great Britain. This time, it seems, love overtook them in the very first minutes of communication.

Mikhail met Farida from work, presented flowers, and took him home. They began to meet every day, however, the girl invariably came to all dates with her friends. The man even took offense at her slightly, and after that he directly asked why she did not want to meet with him in private. Farida simply replied: a girl from a respectable family cannot date a man without the presence of relatives or friends. Naturally, Mikhail did not immediately believe such an excuse, but the friends of a businessman from Sri Lanka confirmed: it is indecent to be alone with a man exclusively for royalty.

Farida Moddalige
Farida Moddalige

Already on the next date, Farida had to admit that she was a real princess. But Mikhail was not at all interested in her origin. He was in love and happy, like his Fariida. He had to come to terms with the constant presence of his friends during their meetings. A month after they met, Mikhail made an offer to his princess. But she answered with consent only a year later, fully confident both in the feelings of the chosen one and in her own.

Farida Moddalige
Farida Moddalige

And then the news came that she needed to return to her homeland and prepare for the wedding. She flew home, firmly knowing: he was waiting for her return. But in her father's house, the princess did not dare to admit that she loved another. She had no right to disobey her mother, but she was not going to marry the unloved. Having gone with her friend to try on a wedding dress, Farida asked the girl who had gone with her for help. Having escaped through the back door of the boutique, the girls went to the airport and soon the plane took them to Cyprus, where they met their beloved Mikhail at the gangway.

Their wedding was magnificent and cheerful, however, on the part of the bride, only her uncle and the same friend who helped Farida escape from under the aisle were present.

Love overcomes everything

Farida Moddalige and Mikhail Bondarenko
Farida Moddalige and Mikhail Bondarenko

After some time, the couple moved to Moscow. Mikhail was engaged in business, and Farida studied Russian and learned the basics of housekeeping. She was surprised that in Russia women are engaged in what is considered male duties in her homeland. For example, in Sri Lanka, men iron their own clothes, take out the trash and shop at grocery stores. But the couple quickly found a compromise: if Mikhail takes out the trash, then Farida ironing shirts. And they go shopping together.

Three years later, a daughter, Sunita, was born in the family, whose godfather was the governor of the Kostroma region, Viktor Shershunov (he died in an accident in 2007), and she herself received the Orthodox name Sophia. The relationship of the princess with relatives has long been estranged. However, her mother was ready to accept Farida with her granddaughter, but there was no question of Mikhail's appearance in the house. Everything changed when in Moscow there was a terrorist attack on Dubrovka during the musical "Nord-Ost". Fariida's mother called her daughter herself and invited the whole family to come to Sri Lanka and wait out the hard time. Since then, the Bondarenko family began to visit Farida's homeland.

Mikhail Bondarenko with his daughter
Mikhail Bondarenko with his daughter

The life of a Sri Lankan princess is never boring. Indeed, in her family, from childhood, she was prepared for social activities, and after her marriage, the princess first simply accompanied her spouse during business receptions, and then took up charity work. At first, she took care of orphanages, after she created a club for the wives of diplomats, with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, she was engaged in restoring the robe of the icon of the Fedorov Mother of God, collecting money and jewelry for her in her homeland.

Farida Moddalige
Farida Moddalige

Farida Jin Raja Pakhsha Moddalige, Princess of Sri Lanka, was the President of the Business League of Northeast Asia for many years, and today she is a happy wife and mother of two wonderful daughters. In 2003 in Russia she was awarded the title "Person of the Year", and she herself sincerely fell in love with the country in which she lives. She happily cooks borscht and makes preparations for the winter, brings up daughters and arranges festive receptions, participates in investment forums and charitable projects. She never regretted her choice and her "Roman Holidays" did not end, it was with them that her revived fairy tale began.

Prince from Nigeria Gabriel Shogun Adjayi lived in Russia for several years, was married to a Russian, and raised two sons. His marriage was quite happy, however, the happiness of the lovers turned out to be very short-lived, and he was cut short by a sudden tragedy.
