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5 funny signs from ancient Russia: Why is it dangerous to put on a shirt inside out and other superstitions
5 funny signs from ancient Russia: Why is it dangerous to put on a shirt inside out and other superstitions

Video: 5 funny signs from ancient Russia: Why is it dangerous to put on a shirt inside out and other superstitions

Video: 5 funny signs from ancient Russia: Why is it dangerous to put on a shirt inside out and other superstitions
Video: First baby at 50: Greensboro woman shares fertility journey - YouTube 2024, April

People will accept a lot. Some believe in them, others consider them complete nonsense, and some just don't care. But there are concepts that are firmly etched into the memory and are taken for granted. Who among us has not said: "Everything falls out of our hands, as if they were jinxed." And nothing unusual about such a saying, right? But pouring pockets full of garlic, chips, radishes and salt - a person in his right mind is unlikely to go to an interview so as not to fail. There were also very funny signs that today seem like anecdotes. Read why you should wear boots of different colors, walk into the forest with your shirt inside out, and immediately drive the cat out of bed.

Cat at the head: drive, or you may die

Cats were loved in Russia, but they should not be allowed at the head of the bed, as this threatened with disease
Cats were loved in Russia, but they should not be allowed at the head of the bed, as this threatened with disease

Cats were loved in Russia. They were not offended and even pampered. It was believed that it was this affectionate pet who would meet the owner in heaven when he dies. And it is better to win over a little fluffy creature in advance. If Murka is supportive, she will give her owner sharp and strong claws so that he can easily climb to paradise on a high mountain. Cats were used as a barometer: they could accurately predict when it would get colder or warm, it would rain or wind. It was only necessary to observe carefully.

At the same time, it was impossible to spoil the animal too much. For example, there was a sign that a cat sleeping at the head of the bed is able to survive the owner from the house and even attract death to him. Where did such terrible predictions come from? Come to think of it, they might be based on an allergy to cat hair. In ancient times, there were no antihistamines, and allergic edema could lead to very big problems.

You go hunting, you take boots of different colors - how the hunters attracted good luck and why they wanted the wolf to cross their path

The wolf, crossing the road, promised good luck in the hunt
The wolf, crossing the road, promised good luck in the hunt

Hunting in Russia has always been practiced. It was necessary in order to feed the family, and not a hobby, as it is today. There were a lot of superstitions about behavior in the forest or other places where the process took place. For example, in order to come home with prey, hunters were advised to wear boots or felt boots of different colors. But even if such an extravagant hunter meets a married woman on the way to the forest, his felt boots will not help him - he should immediately return home.

Peasants had a special relationship with wolves. Gray predators often attacked livestock and caused considerable damage to the economy. But there were also pleasant omens that related to these animals. For example, "I met the wolf - wait for the victory." The main condition was that the wolf should have been politely and kindly talked to, said hello, and asked how he was doing. Only in this case the gray will not touch the person and even help him in the hunt. Great luck was foreshadowed by a wolf who would cross the road, and if a person stumbled upon the so-called "wolf's wedding", then he was just lucky. All these signs worked, in the opinion of the people, if the met predator did not drag the prey. Otherwise, the meaning changed to the opposite, and it was worth waiting for trouble.

Goblin who's afraid of his shirt inside out

The goblin could be scared off in a simple way - just put on the shirt inside out
The goblin could be scared off in a simple way - just put on the shirt inside out

In the forest, peasants could lie in wait not only for predators, but also for nasty evil spirits, for example, a goblin. So that unlucky travelers or mushroom pickers did not have to meet this forest dweller, and also in order not to go astray, it was necessary to use a regular shirt, but put it on inside out.

It is unknown why this superstition arose. Maybe some inexperienced person accidentally put on the thing wrong, and then got lost among the dense trees and bushes. And after he managed to get out of the thicket, a successful collector of forest gifts found that his shirt was worn inside out. And the goblin could well turn out to be a lover of accuracy and style, so he was hiding from people who did not look after themselves.

What comes first, the left shoe or the right one: signs that contradict each other

Signs about shoes sometimes contradicted each other: it is not clear which foot to put on the boot in the first place
Signs about shoes sometimes contradicted each other: it is not clear which foot to put on the boot in the first place

The old superstitions were sometimes funny. For example, if a person sneezes on Monday morning, not having time to eat breakfast, then he will get sick. Here you can find the rationale: a sick person clearly sneezes or coughs often, and not only in the morning, but also at night. Or, if you whistle in a room, you can bring trouble to those living in the house. And another sign says that whistling can ruin, even today many say: "Do not whistle, otherwise there will be no money." And there were also various superstitions about shoes. They said that it would be a sin to put shoes on the left foot in front of the right one. Everything seems simple - start with the right foot. However, there is one more superstition: "If you put on your right leg first, expect a toothache." Here's how to proceed here? It is completely incomprehensible. Probably, you should put on the left and right boots (or bast shoes) at the same time, and then everything will be in order.

Why young peasant women looked like a birch leaf

In November, peasant women fled to the forest to look at a birch leaf covered with frost
In November, peasant women fled to the forest to look at a birch leaf covered with frost

In November, namely on the fourth day, the peasants bowed to the miraculous Kazan icon of the Mother of God. It was not only a religious holiday, but also a kind of border between autumn and winter. After that, the peasants waited for the onset of frosty days. It was such a dull and boring time. It was believed that a merry wedding would help out of the cold and boredom. Those couples who got married on Kazanskaya Street will live richly, happily ever after. And the young peasant women, who were not yet going to get married, performed a special ritual on the 4th of November. They walked into the nearest forest, looked for a birch leaf there, always frosty and looked into it, as if in a mirror. It is not known what they saw at the same time, but the people said that such a method would help the girl become even more beautiful and find an enviable groom in the future.

Sometimes signs revolve around crafts: Forgotten Russian professions: why were children afraid of chimney sweeps, and why adults were distrustful of women.
