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The most famous jesters of Russia: Where did they come from and what influence they had on the rulers
The most famous jesters of Russia: Where did they come from and what influence they had on the rulers

Video: The most famous jesters of Russia: Where did they come from and what influence they had on the rulers

Video: The most famous jesters of Russia: Where did they come from and what influence they had on the rulers
Video: Birds of a Feather - There's a Girl in My Souk - 2016 Christmas Special - YouTube 2024, September

When a person is called a jester, they hardly mean that he is very influential and popular. But in Russia the position of the tsar's jester was one of the most important in the state. The jester, he is a buffoon, was a symbolic double of the king. He had to be able to amuse his host and guests, answer questions wittily, and even give valuable advice. Read in the material about the most famous Russian jesters, whose contribution to the history of the country is very significant.

Why did the jester Ivan the Terrible get the nickname Nail and why his tsar stabbed him

The jester of Ivan the Terrible bore the nickname "The Nail"
The jester of Ivan the Terrible bore the nickname "The Nail"

Someone Osip, a prince's son, was distinguished by a sharp tongue and analytical mind. That is why Ivan the Terrible appointed him a court jester, and the people gave him a funny nickname "nail". Osip wore a cap decorated with donkey ears and silver bells. Grozny's contemporaries could observe the following picture: the tsar is walking from a suburban palace to Moscow, he is accompanied by 300 archers, and Osip Gvozd leads the procession. Moreover, he is riding a large bull and wearing golden robes. There is a legend that once the king got angry with the jester because he questioned the family ties of Ivan and the Roman emperors. Grozny grabbed Osip, dunked him with his face in hot cabbage soup, and when the buffoon tried to escape and run away, he simply stabbed him with a knife.

However, Tsar Ivan quickly realized that his act was not very good and immediately summoned a doctor. Alas, the Nail has already died, and the healer told the king about this, explaining that the Lord only once puts his soul into a person, and if she flew to heaven, then no one can bring her back. Grozny answered with irritation: "If so, let the devil take him, if he did not want to come to life at my command."

The Prozorovsky brothers who fought with the bear and the dwarf Komar, who saved Peter I during the Streletsky uprising

Jester Yakim Komar saved Peter I during the Strelets uprising
Jester Yakim Komar saved Peter I during the Strelets uprising

So the jester Osip died. A change was needed. The Prozorovsky brothers became her. They entertained Ivan the Terrible by fighting huge bears. I must say that the bears were chosen trained. They fought for fun, towering to their full height. The bites were not strong, but the clothes of the jesters suffered greatly. After the duel, a conditional "court" consisting of guests declared the bear the winner, which greatly amused Grozny.

Another king who had an interesting jester - Peter I. When the future ruler was still very young, he was presented with a dwarf. His name was Yakim Volkov. Subsequently, the man became known under the nickname "Mosquito". This was the first buffoon of Peter, who adored funny people and all sorts of "freaks". And the royal chambers lived not only jesters, but also more than a dozen dwarfs and dwarfs, who were ordered to dress in European clothes and amuse the king in moments of despondency. According to historians, it was Yakim Komar who saved the king during the uprising of the archers, telling Peter about the impending danger. And that is not all. Peter listened attentively to the advice of the little jester, relying on his mind. Modern psychologists would probably say that the jester helped the king to extinguish stress. In addition, the buffoons watched the behavior of the courtiers, pulling them down when necessary.

How Peter gave the island to the jester Lacoste, and the jester who became the prototype of Petrushka

Jan Lacoste was the main jester at the court of Peter the Great
Jan Lacoste was the main jester at the court of Peter the Great

Another jester named Jan Lacoste. He was a baptized Jew, a refugee from Portugal. The acquaintance of Lacoste and Peter I took place in Hamburg. The tsar liked the jester so much that he invited him (and the entire family of Lacoste) to Russia. At the royal court, Jan was called Peter Dorofeich. He was a person who could boast of education and speak several languages. Communicating with the ruler, he used theological casuistry, and also had an excellent command of rhetoric. His conclusions were funny and extraordinary, which delighted Peter I.

Lacoste even converted to Orthodoxy. This happened in 1717 when he lost the dispute to Peter. However, as a bonus, Ian was promoted to Chief Jester. He even had as a gift a small island of Gochland, located in the Gulf of Finland, and the consolation of honor of the king of the Samoyeds. The inspired jester after that always put on a high tin crown during royal feasts, which he shifted to one side. Lacoste's career went up, later he took the post of jester under Anna Ioannovna and Duke Biron.

The fate of the jester Pedrillo is very interesting. This Italian came from Naples as a violinist and singer. He was received at court and performed, but without success. But as a jester he achieved great success. Anna Ioanovna considered him her favorite buffoon and enjoyed playing cards with him. In history, Pedrillo is known as the funny and cute Petrushka. The jester managed to amass an impressive fortune, and when Anna died, he returned to Italy.

The most famous jester of Russia, who wore a military uniform

Ivan Balakirev is the most famous jester in Russia
Ivan Balakirev is the most famous jester in Russia

But Ivan Balakirev is rightfully considered the most famous jester of Russia. This man not only played the role of a funny man, but was also a real associate of Peter the Great, took part in the decision of state affairs, carried out the most scrupulous orders of the rulers. The most interesting thing is that this jester knocked out the right to wear military uniforms and receive a decent salary. And all this - without having any title or position at all. Even in the documents of that time, Balakirev was not listed as a tsarist jester.

When the jester Balakirev died, many legends appeared about this man. Many anecdotes have been composed about him, and people have spoken about his antics with laughter. However, even the patronymic of the buffoon is unknown. Thus, Balakirev lived the life of a jester, and after his death he became a hero of anecdotes and a man who was described in literature. The phrase "Balakirev jester" has become a household word today. This is how they call both witty and funny people, and those who grimace and grimace beyond measure.
