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Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin: What made famous actors reunite after four years of divorce
Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin: What made famous actors reunite after four years of divorce

Video: Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin: What made famous actors reunite after four years of divorce

Video: Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin: What made famous actors reunite after four years of divorce
Video: Mary Poppins, Goodbye - Colourful Dreams [ Eng Sub] - YouTube 2024, September

They met at a time when Yulia Menshova was already shining on television, and Igor Gordin was just beginning his career in art. Nevertheless, they were quite happy, became the parents of two children. And they parted, as soon as the daughter of the spouses was one year old. We parted quietly and knew for sure: this is forever. What could have forced Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin to disperse against the background of visible well-being, and how did the spouses manage not only to restore their family, but to become happy again?

Theater as an excuse to meet

Yulia Menshova in her youth
Yulia Menshova in her youth

Yulia Menshova first saw Igor Gordin at the Theater of the Young Spectator, where her friends brought her to watch The Execution of the Decembrist. The daughter of Vera Alentova and Vladimir Menshov had left the troupe of the renowned Moscow Art Theater by that time, and the theater remained for her somewhere in the distant past, behind the line of light of television spotlights.

However, after the very first action, she did not manage to leave, although the actress prudently took a place on the edge. And the point was not even that the performance was shown in a small room, it was just that she was interested in what was happening on the stage. And the beautiful voice of the actor who played Berkopf completely charmed Yulia Menshova.

Igor Gordin
Igor Gordin

After the performance, the actors and spectators all went to the restaurant together. It was there, looking at a serious young man, but still without feeling absolutely any feelings, Julia suddenly thought that just such a man could become her husband.

After that, they found themselves in a common company a couple of times. The TV presenter felt that Igor liked her very much, but he simply did not dare to take the first step. He was dominated not only by the popularity of the actress herself, but also by the fact that her parents were stars of the first magnitude. Julia herself gave Igor her phone number, but billiards really brought them together.

Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin
Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin

When Igor taught the girl to hold the cue correctly, put her a blow, touched her hand with his hand, it was amazingly sensual. Their romance was a gradual recognition of each other, the realization of how good it can be together.

The actor later recalled that there was not a drop of stardom in Julia, she always behaved simply and naturally, did not turn up her nose and did not demand special treatment for herself. It was possible to drown in her eyes, and her ability to listen to the interlocutor could make absolutely any person speak. Even as closed as Igor Gordin.

Unequal marriage

Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin on their wedding day
Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin on their wedding day

They met in March, a month later they started dating, and settled on the same living space in six months. They officially formalized their relationship already at a time when Julia was wearing their son under her heart. Igor, as expected, asked for the hand of Yulia Menshova from her parents, which immediately won over his future relatives. It seems that neither Vladimir Menshov nor Vera Alentova was embarrassed by the son-in-law's lack of his own living space in the capital and the acting career that had just begun by the age of 30.

Before entering GITIS, Igor Gordin managed to get a nuclear physicist's diploma, but realized that studying science did not bring him such pleasure as playing on stage. After graduating from the theater, the actor was accepted into the troupe of the Moscow Youth Theater, and recognition in the cinema came to him much later.

Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin with children
Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin with children

Yulia Menshova admits: she retained a feeling of absolute happiness until the moment their first-born Andrei was born in December 1997. Then difficulties began. Up to a year old, the baby almost did not sleep at all, he cried a lot and did not allow either mom or dad to rest. At the same time, both actors continued to work, Julia hosted a television program, Igor played in the theater. Household difficulties, fatigue, a small child - all this did not contribute to a good atmosphere in the family.

Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin with children
Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin with children

Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin were getting tired. Of course, the actor was also oppressed by the fact that he was perceived exclusively as the husband of Yulia Menshova. Nevertheless, the couple tried to keep the family together and even decided to have their second child. True, the baby was only a year old when mom and dad broke up. The initiative came from Julia, who asked her husband for a divorce. But they did not begin to draw up any paperwork, and for the children, it would seem, nothing has changed. They often spent time together, even went once a year to have a rest with the whole family.

Twice in the same river

Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin
Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin

They lived separately for four years. The children were desperately worried about the separation of their parents, despite all the attempts of adults to soften the blow. Yulia Menshova even today cannot hold back tears when she talks about that difficult period when the children cried, not understanding why mom and dad cannot be together, as in all normal families. But children weren't the only reason for the reunion.

Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin
Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin

When the spouses and their children once again went on vacation to Turkey, Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin had a real romance. The actor began to really care for his ex-wife, invited her on dates, gave flowers, showed signs of attention. At first, they tried to hide their relationship from the whole world, including from their son and daughter. And when they realized that everything was real and serious, they began to live together again.

Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin
Julia Menshova and Igor Gordin

For four years, they were able to realize what value the family is to them. And how important it is to learn to listen and hear each other even after twenty years of marriage. They have become older, wiser and more patient, and now hardly any difficulties can destroy this family pyramid, which is based on love, respect and mutual understanding. They are very different, Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin. But they have a common life, children and an incredible sense of togetherness.

Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin with children
Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin with children

Yulia Menshova admits: seeing Igor Gordin on the screen, she falls in love with her husband again and again. He says that he never stopped admiring his wife. She is quick-tempered and straightforward, used to being in the spotlight and communicating with different people, while feeling very comfortable. He is very private, not used to sharing his experiences. But they are really good only together. Yulia Menshova and Igor Gordin learned to take care of their fragile happiness only when they almost lost it.

In fact, Yulia Menshova repeated the story of her parents, Vladimir Menshov and Vera Alentova. There was also a period in their lives when they did not live together. And nevertheless, they have been together for more than half a century and are ready to share secrets of their marital happiness together with other couples who have been married for over 50 years.
