Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portraits in crooked mirrors
Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portraits in crooked mirrors

Video: Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portraits in crooked mirrors

Video: Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portraits in crooked mirrors
Video: SweetDreams Mattresses - YouTube 2024, July
Portrait of Mother Teresa
Portrait of Mother Teresa

Hindu Avtar Singh Virdi is an interesting anamorphic artist. He creates portraits that can only be seen from a certain point and only in a special cylindrical mirror.

Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portrait of Rabindranath Tagore
Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portrait of Rabindranath Tagore

Each master's work consists of two parts, which in themselves are not objects of art. The first element is a stretched, shapeless horizontal image on paper: the further from the center, the more blurry it is.

The second part is a vertical cylindrical mirror. If you place it in the center of the stretched picture, you can see a reflection in the mirror - in this case, a portrait. The main thing is to choose the optimal observation point, otherwise the picture will turn out to be highly deformed and will not cause anything but laughter.

Portraits are visible only from a particular point
Portraits are visible only from a particular point

The tricky term "anamorphosis" comes from the Greek word for "transform" - and indeed, the image turns into a portrait right before your eyes.

Artist Avtar Singh Virdi was born in India in 1938. When he was working at a subsidiary of Mercedes Benz, he once noticed his distorted reflection in a polished car. “Interesting,” the future artist thought and decided to better study all sorts of optical illusions.

Distorted reflection in a car can nudge creativity
Distorted reflection in a car can nudge creativity

At home, Avtar conducted such an experiment. He took the metal cap from the fountain pen and placed it in the center of a blank sheet of paper. Then, looking at the reflection in the cap, he tried to draw a picture on paper so that the incomprehensible daub would give a recognizable reflection.

The first pancake is lumpy, the second attempt, another take … After a while, Avtar began to work out. Since then, he has not given up this exciting occupation.

Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portraits in crooked mirrors
Anamorphosis of Avtar Singh Virdi: portraits in crooked mirrors

Famous personalities can be seen in the anamorphic portraits of Avtar Singh Virdi. Reflections of his contemporaries settled in the artist's mirrors: Mother Teresa, Rabindranath Tagore, George W. Bush, Indian actors and politicians.

The art of anamorphosis is a great illustration of the creative process. There is a horizontal plane - a defocused picture, on which, in principle, everything that will be clearly visible in a work of art is present in a hidden form. This is our world.

The artist's first painting was reflected in a pen cap
The artist's first painting was reflected in a pen cap

There is a cylindrical mirror that does not reflect anything by itself. This is the consciousness of the artist. The author transforms the picture, transforming the stretched image into a specific recognizable image. The result is a work of art - a reflection in a curved mirror.
