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8 foreign celebrities who are loved more in Russia than at home
8 foreign celebrities who are loved more in Russia than at home

Video: 8 foreign celebrities who are loved more in Russia than at home

Video: 8 foreign celebrities who are loved more in Russia than at home
Video: Comparison: Banned Names In Different Countries - YouTube 2024, September

Many creative people are not particularly attached to places, preferring to live and create where they are in demand. Truly talented people can rightfully call themselves citizens of the world, because they are loved, known and warmly welcomed in many countries. And the phenomenon of our today's heroes is that in Russia they are much more famous and popular than in their homeland.

Steven Seagal

Steven Seagal
Steven Seagal

The American actor and martial artist was very popular all over the world in the 1990s. Films with his participation were released on screens at an enviable frequency. Moreover, many of them were real box office hits. But since 2010, Steven Seagal was filmed less and less and gradually in America they began to forget about him. But in Russia, interest in the actor did not fade away, and after Segal's adoption of Russian citizenship in 2016, it seems, flared up with renewed vigor.

Anna German

Anna German
Anna German

The Polish singer of German descent first visited the Soviet Union in 1965 and has since become one of the most beloved singers in the USSR. Over time, the singer decided to move to our country from her native Poland, because in her homeland her career was far from so successful. Many songs performed by Anna German in Russia are still known and loved, while at home only representatives of the older generation know about the singer herself.

Paulo Coelho

Paulo Coelho
Paulo Coelho

The author of many bestsellers today is one of the best-selling and most widely read in the world. But if in Russia he is loved without any conditions, then in his native Brazil, Paulo Coelho is often criticized for his too obvious commercial orientation. The writer is also reproached for the lack of a sense of humor, and some especially zealous critics even call him a rather weak author. And this despite the fact that Paolo Coelho is the owner of many literary prizes and awards!

Natalia Oreiro

Natalia Oreiro
Natalia Oreiro

The actress from Uruguay became famous after the release of several TV series with her participation at once, the most popular of which was "Wild Angel", which was shown several times directly in Russia. Despite the fact that Natalia Oreiro has been filming quite rarely in recent years, she is not forgotten in Russia. She often visits our country with concerts, comes as a guest of honor to festivals and always appears at meetings organized by her fans. But in her homeland, the actress's popularity faded long ago.

Michele Placido

Michele Placido
Michele Placido

When the series "Octopus" was shown in the 1980s, the streets of cities really became empty. And the actor Michele Placido, who played the main role, became one of the most popular actors in the country. Fans from the Soviet Union literally inundated Commissioner Kattani with letters of declarations of love. When the popularity of Michele Placido began to decline in his native Italy, they continued to love him in the USSR, and in 1991 he even played the main role in the film by Vladimir Bortko "Afghan Breakdown".

Edita Piekha

Edita Piekha
Edita Piekha

Now no one even remembers that the famous singer was born in France to a Polish family. At the age of eleven, she and her mother returned to Poland, graduated from the pedagogical lyceum, and in 1955 received a referral to study in the Soviet Union. While studying at Leningrad University, she studied Russian and began to sing in the choir of the Polish community, and then she was accepted into the ensemble of students of the conservatory. The very first performance of a Polish student in 1955 made a splash. The popularity of Edita Piekha grew every year, she became the People's Artist of the USSR, toured many countries.

Gianni Rodari

Gianni Rodari
Gianni Rodari

The Italian writer and journalist became famous in the Soviet Union after his most famous fairy tale "The Adventures of Cipollino", edited by Samuil Marshak, was published in 1953. But Gianni Rodari first arrived in the USSR a year earlier, in 1952, and then often visited. In the fairy tale film "Cipollino", directed by Tamara Lisitsian in 1973, the writer even starred, playing himself. Unfortunately, in his homeland, Gianni Rodari was far from as popular as in the Soviet Union, despite receiving the Hans Christian Andersen Prize in 1970.

Helene Rollet

Helene Rollet
Helene Rollet

The star of the TV series "Helene and the Boys" was very popular in the 1990s both in France and in Russia. But in France, the series quickly outlived its usefulness, and even was criticized for being unrealistic. The press wrote that the characters are too simplistic and correct: they do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, and do not even swear. Moreover, not a single episode was shown in any of the 280 episodes where young people would attend lectures or prepare for exams. Russian viewers did not delve into such subtleties, but simply enjoyed the plot. The performer of the main role, Helene Rollet, became almost an idol of adolescents and young people of that time in our country, and in her homeland she was very quickly forgotten.

Many Hollywood stars have Russian roots, some are proud of them, others simply do not hide. In any case, such details become a revelation for fans, because looking at some of the celebrities, you cannot imagine that they are visiting a grandmother who lives somewhere near Vladivostok.
