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Genius mothers of outstanding artists - good geniuses and guardian angels of their sons
Genius mothers of outstanding artists - good geniuses and guardian angels of their sons

Video: Genius mothers of outstanding artists - good geniuses and guardian angels of their sons

Video: Genius mothers of outstanding artists - good geniuses and guardian angels of their sons
Video: Ivan Aivazovsky: A collection of 729 paintings (HD) *UPDATE - YouTube 2024, April
Mothers of great and famous artists
Mothers of great and famous artists

Behind every person living on the planet stands mother woman - enduring, nursing and educating him. And motherhood is the first profession on earth, in which a woman is realized as a person in the creation of Man and not only in the physical plane, but also spiritually, professionally and socially. So, for example, the mothers of great and talented artists were the most important inspirers, mentors and teachers of their brilliant sons, who with all their might developed the gift of God in them. And they paid them with filial love and painted their portraits.

“The mother not only gives birth, but also gives birth. If she had only given birth, she would not have been the creator of the human race …”, - wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky. Therefore, the entire history of human civilization, its heyday and decline for thousands of years was directly related to the relationship of a mother to her cub.

Lyubov Kornilovna Makovskaya

The mother of the Makovsky artists is Lyubov Kornilovna Mollengauer. Author: K. E. Makovsky
The mother of the Makovsky artists is Lyubov Kornilovna Mollengauer. Author: K. E. Makovsky

The mother of painters Konstantin, Vladimir, Nikolai and Alexandra Makovsky - Lyubov Kornilovna Mollengauer, was an amazing and talented woman. She had an excellent soprano and performed in duets with famous composers and singers, taught singing at the conservatory.

In Moscow in the 1840s, the Makovsky house was known as a kind of cultural center. All children were brought up in a creative atmosphere and they received the basics of art and music education at home from their parents. Konstantin, the most famous of the Makovsky dynasty, inherited the talents of both the singing mother and the artist father. Music was his second element, but still painting became the work of his whole life.

Tatiana Stepanovna Repina

Tatiana Stepanovna Repina. (1879). Author: Ilya Repin
Tatiana Stepanovna Repina. (1879). Author: Ilya Repin

The mother of the artist I. E. Repin - Tatyana Stepanovna (nee Bocharova) was a "soldier's wife". She alone had to raise and educate her children, and in order to educate them, she did not disdain even the cheapest and dirtiest work. And when the sons were still young, Tatyana Stepanovna organized a home school, where she taught her and neighbors' children. And she was also a jack of all trades: she sewed fur coats on hare fur, and painted Easter eggs to order.

Despite the hopeless poverty, Tatyana Stepanovna sent her eldest son Ilya to study with an icon painter, and then sent him to the capital to a drawing school. And the smallest - to the St. Petersburg Conservatory. Later he would play at the Mariinsky Theater for many years.

Praskovya Fedorovna Surikova

Praskovya Fedorovna Surikova. (1887). Author: V. I. Surikov
Praskovya Fedorovna Surikova. (1887). Author: V. I. Surikov

Vasily Surikov's mother, Praskovya Fyodorovna, was a representative of the old Cossack family of the Torgoshins, who founded the Torgoshinskaya stanitsa on the banks of the Yenisei, near Krasnoyarsk. And when the merchant P. Kuznetsov suggested that she send her son Vassenka to St. Petersburg to study at the Academy of Arts, Praskovya Fedorovna, without a shadow of a doubt, blessed the young man on a long journey. She in every possible way encouraged her son's desire for painting.

Surikov, with the deepest love, captured his mother, an "amazing", simple Russian woman, creating her touching portrait. He gave her features an extraordinary simplicity, sincerity, modesty and warmth, and also left the imprint of a difficult and sad life on her appearance.

Anna Lukinichna Venitsianova

Anna Lukinichna Venitsianova. Author: Alexey Venetsianov
Anna Lukinichna Venitsianova. Author: Alexey Venetsianov

And this is the mother of Alexei Venetsianov, Anna Lukinichna (nee Kalashnikova), the daughter of a Moscow merchant. One of the first works of the aspiring artist was her portrait. She is clearly dressed up and posing for her son in a terracotta dress and a satin cap. By this time, Alexey was a self-taught artist, he was only 22 years old. This later he will become a court painter and become famous.

Akulina Ivanovna Ivanova - mother of the artist Vasily Grigorievich Perov

Vasily Grigorievich Perov. "Portrait of A. I. Kridener, the artist's mother." (1876). Author: Vasily Grigorievich Perov
Vasily Grigorievich Perov. "Portrait of A. I. Kridener, the artist's mother." (1876). Author: Vasily Grigorievich Perov

Vasily Perov was the illegitimate son of Baron Grigory Karlovich Kridener and the Tobolsk bourgeoisie Akulina Ivanova. Mother and father were married only after their son was born. Therefore, the baron could not make the firstborn the heir to the surname and title. And Vasily got the surname "Perov", which was invented by a local clerk, since the boy was a virtuoso penman in childhood.

However, little Vasya not only wrote well, but also tried to paint with a brush. Parents, seeing the artistic gift of their son, did not particularly contradict him, although it seemed to Akulina Ivanovna that art was an unreliable business. Nevertheless, it was she who would take her son to Moscow to enter the art school.

Hripsime Ayvazyan is the mother of Ivan Aivazovsky

Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski. "Portrait of Hripsime Ayvazyan, the artist's mother." (1849). Author: I. K. Aivazovsky
Ivan Constantinovich Aivazovski. "Portrait of Hripsime Ayvazyan, the artist's mother." (1849). Author: I. K. Aivazovsky

Aivazovsky's mother was called Hripsime. She raised six children. And the whole city knew her as a skilled embroiderer. She sat all day with a needle in her hands and a hoop, bent over her embroidery. And little Ivan had to help his mother: he took her embroideries to rich houses, where fat, arrogant ladies lived, whom the boy disliked. Indeed, because of their outfits, his mother had to work day and night, tirelessly. Ivan hastily handed over to the customers their parcels of needlework and quickly ran away.

Anna Panteleevna Petrova-Vodkina

Anna Panteleevna Petrova-Vodkina. Author: Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin
Anna Panteleevna Petrova-Vodkina. Author: Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin

Petrov-Vodkin's mother, Anna Panteleevna, worked as a maid for a local landowner, and somehow, at an opportunity, showed the architect Meltser the drawings of her talented son. Meltzer became interested in painting Kuzma, and then completely took him to St. Petersburg, where he gave a good art education. In addition, the landowner Kazarina sent the young talent a monthly stipend of 25 rubles.

Ekaterina Prokhorovna Kustodieva

Ekaterina Prokhorovna Kustodieva. Author: Boris Kustodiev
Ekaterina Prokhorovna Kustodieva. Author: Boris Kustodiev

The mother of the artist B. M. Kustodiev, Ekaterina Prokhorovna (nee Smirnova), was left without a husband at the age of 25 with three children in her arms and was carrying a fourth. Ekaterina Prokhorovna had a hard time, she earned money by sewing and embroidery, and on holidays she played the piano in wealthy houses, gave music lessons to other people's children in order to raise her own and provide them with everything they needed. Kustodiev's mother always remembered with gratitude her parents, who taught her everything that made it possible for her family to survive in difficult times.

And despite all the material difficulties, she gave her children an excellent upbringing. Ekaterina Prokhorovna purposefully revealed the talents of her children, she herself was their first teacher of painting, as she drew well. In addition, all her children knew a lot about music and played various musical instruments.

Ludwiga Aleksandrovna Malevich

Ludwiga Aleksandrovna Malevich. Author: Kazimir Malevich
Ludwiga Aleksandrovna Malevich. Author: Kazimir Malevich

Kazimir Malevich's mother, Ludwig Alexandrovna, gave birth to 14 children, but only nine of them survived to adulthood. It was she who, seeing artistic talent in her son, presented the first set of 54 paints on his 16th birthday. Before that, the son had to draw with what he had to:

It should be noted the role of Malevich's mother in the fate of another talent. It was Kazimir's friend Nikolai Roslavets, a boy from an unsuccessful family who dreamed of becoming a musician. Ludwiga Alexandrovna, out of the kindness of her heart, bought him a violin, and when Nikolai grew up he became a conductor, composer and teacher.

Maria Picasso Lopez

Maria Lopez. Author: Pablo Picasso
Maria Lopez. Author: Pablo Picasso

Pablo's mother is Maria Picasso Lopez. It was from her that he inherited the surname with which he entered the world history of art. The future inventor of Cubism was only 15 years old when he painted this portrait of his mother! Amazing, isn't it?

Ardent and cheerful Dona Maria was the soul of their home, and little Picasso was an exact copy of his mother and the master of her soul. Mary firmly believed that there is no child in the world more beautiful than her son. she said. Maria composed and told her son fairy tales, which, according to the artist himself, awakened in him a desire for creativity. The mother's confidence in his unsurpassed talent was transmitted to Picasso himself. his mother told him. Unquestioning faith and the incredible power of maternal love created the phenomenon of Pablo Picasso as a great artist.

Anna Van Gogh (Corbentus)

Anna Cornelia Carbentus van Gogh. Author: Vincent Van Gogh
Anna Cornelia Carbentus van Gogh. Author: Vincent Van Gogh

And this is Van Gogh's mother - Anna. Vincent painted this portrait for his sister Wilhelmina, who sent him one of his mother's last photographs with a request to paint a pictorial copy; there is only this portrait, which is known for certain that it depicts Anna Van Gogh (Corbentus). Vincent's family had a difficult and uneven relationship. Despite the fact that the artist painted many self-portraits and portraits, family members were incomprehensibly outside of his canvases.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Shilova

The artist's mother is Lyudmila Sergeevna. Author: Alexander Shilov
The artist's mother is Lyudmila Sergeevna. Author: Alexander Shilov

Alexander's father died early, and Lyudmila Sergeevna had to raise three children alone. She lived with them, as well as with her mother and mother-in-law in a tiny room, experiencing hopeless poverty. Lyudmila Sergeevna worked as a kindergarten teacher, and grandmothers as watchmen., - the artist later recalled with bitterness those difficult times for their family. Therefore, Alexander had to leave painting classes at the Palace of Pioneers and go to work at the enterprise as a loader. He infinitely appreciated how much vitality his mother had to give in order for him to become what he became after years.

The world knows many women artists, who achieved recognition, some of whom had to give up both family and motherhood.
