Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke

Video: Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke

Video: Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Video: Drained. - YouTube 2024, September
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke

There is no denying the fact that technology has taken an incredible step forward in its development over the past couple of decades. We buy more and more new devices that take up less space and at the same time work several times better than their predecessors. But these same predecessors are just not lucky - consumers refuse them, sending once coveted items to the landfill. “Modern fossils” - this is what Christopher Locke called contemporary devices a few years ago and devotes his series of sculptures to them.

Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke

Most of the items included in the "Modern Fossils" series were invented in the United States, after which they quickly gained popularity around the world. And, unfortunately, they also quickly fell into oblivion. Floppy disks, game consoles, cassette recorder, disk telephone … The life of these devices turned out to be too short, but, according to the author, there was a good reason for this: and this reason is not in the evolution of technology, as many think, but in the irrepressible consumerism and waste of consumers.

Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke

The appearance of Christopher Locke's sculptures lives up to their name: they really look like ancient fossils. It is all the more surprising to see in such a state not the remains of dinosaurs or evidence of the life of a primitive man, but objects that did not exist in nature a century ago. The sculptures are made by hand from a special composition, which is a mixture of concrete and other "secret ingredients". Christopher does not reveal the secret of this substance, thanks to which the sculptures look like real fossils. Each "fossil" has its own name in Latin: for example, the audio cassette is called "Asportatio acroamatis" and the rotary telephone is "Deferovoculae circumdactylos".

Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke
Modern Fossils by Christopher Locke

Christopher Locke graduated from George Washington University as a Chartered Sculptor. The author works with a variety of materials, including metal, wood, plaster, clay, resin. In addition, he is engaged in drawing and painting. Christopher Locke currently lives and works in Austin, Texas.
