Photos that become paintings: oil painting by Paul Fernie
Photos that become paintings: oil painting by Paul Fernie

Video: Photos that become paintings: oil painting by Paul Fernie

Video: Photos that become paintings: oil painting by Paul Fernie
Photos that become paintings: oil painting by Paul Fernie
Photos that become paintings: oil painting by Paul Fernie

Nowadays, immortalizing important moments of life is not a problem for anyone: there are modern cameras for that. But how can you give your favorite pictures even more weight, show how much they mean to you? Process in a graphic editor, print in large format, hang in a frame … The artist Paul Fernie can radically increase the artistic value of images by turning an ordinary photograph into an oil painting, and the customer's life into an object of art. A flattering prospect, isn't it?

Photos that become paintings: portraits of children
Photos that become paintings: portraits of children

The project, in which photographs become original paintings, began with Paul Ferney discussing with his wife how ineffective the sites of contemporary artists are. Most of them do not even quote prices for their work, and you have to find out if you can afford this or that work by e-mail. More often than not, not wanting to take additional actions, a potential buyer simply closes the page.

Pets: Oil Painting by Paul Fernie
Pets: Oil Painting by Paul Fernie

Paul Ferney's desire to bring the artist and the buyer closer together turned into a creative experiment that has been going on for the second year now. To turn the contents of a family album into oil painting, customers upload their favorite color photographs to the site, pay $ 240, and wait for delivery. Since the finished work will be small, the artist asks to select images with a minimum of detail.

Dynamic Paintings: Oil Painting by Paul Fernie
Dynamic Paintings: Oil Painting by Paul Fernie

Paul Fernie has been painting oil for 12 years, but the last year has been especially productive for him. A large influx of orders could not but affect the skill of the artist. 200 paintings a year is no joke, even if we are talking about small works - 13 × 18 centimeters (Paul Fernie chose one of the standard photo formats for himself). So, quantity happily turned into quality, and the artist noticed how his style had changed over the year.

Dream Portrait: Oil Painting by Paul Fernie
Dream Portrait: Oil Painting by Paul Fernie

Why are customers eager to immortalize their lives in a painting? Because they know from experience that oil painting survives centuries, says Paul Ferney. Already from the magic words "oil portrait" breathes of antiquity, and the names of the great painters of the past come to mind, with whom you suddenly find yourself connected, because you are also interested in the image in oil on canvas.
