"String Prototype": huge mesh attraction
"String Prototype": huge mesh attraction

Video: "String Prototype": huge mesh attraction

Video: Top 10 Most Expensive Sculptures sold at auction in the world - YouTube 2024, September
Attraction String Prototype
Attraction String Prototype

Even if as a child you did not peep to the holes of comics about the adventures of Spider-Man, seeing attraction "String Prototype", you can hardly resist the thought of what it is like to move along a huge "web" woven by designers from a Croatian-Austrian company "Numen / For Use". The original game complex is designed for children and adults, so anyone can test themselves on a difficult distance.

Attraction String Prototype
Attraction String Prototype

The device of the attraction is quite simple: ropes intertwined with each other are attached to the inflatable frame. When the structure takes on the correct cube shape, the ropes are stretched, thus creating a "spider web" on which visitors can move. If you wish, you can jump, climb or just sit down to rest - the attraction will withstand everything. The most difficult thing here is not to get lost, because the snow-white walls and lined space completely disorient "climbers".

The process of creating a String Prototype attraction
The process of creating a String Prototype attraction

Designers from the Numen / For Use company explain that they took the concept of collage, the most common form of Dadaist creativity, as the basis for creating such an unusual attraction. Collage is a special technique for creating a work of art from pieces of various materials pasted on canvas, cardboard or paper. Likewise, they "lined" a white canvas wall with blue ropes. Designers believe that this is a great way to create conditions where a person will feel almost in zero gravity, not being guided in space and in the scale of the room. The main idea of the attraction can be formulated as simply as the slogan of the film “Cube”, where the main characters had a similar task - to get out of a series of repeating rooms: “Don't look for a reason. Look for a way out."

String Prototype Ride Creation Process
String Prototype Ride Creation Process
Outside, the attraction is a snow-white cube
Outside, the attraction is a snow-white cube

Well, judging by the photos, the first visitors enjoyed visiting the "String Prototype" attraction. And we will remind the readers of the site Kulturologiya. RF that you can also test your vestibular apparatus at the Death Well attraction in India or (a more gentle option) in an upside-down house installed on the territory of the All-Russian Exhibition Center in Moscow.
