Looking through the looking glass: an extraordinary maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)
Looking through the looking glass: an extraordinary maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)

Video: Looking through the looking glass: an extraordinary maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)

Video: Looking through the looking glass: an extraordinary maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)
Video: [2022] - ECGMax and its possibilities - YouTube 2024, September
Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)
Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)

Who among us, reading about Alice's adventures in Wonderland, has not dreamed of being in the fairy world through the looking glass? From now on, visitors Hyde Park Sydney there is a great opportunity to plunge into childhood. An endless series of reflections attracts both kids and their parents, because a walk in an unusual labyrinth is a great way to have fun and get an unforgettable experience. The creators of this complex are the New Zealand architectural bureau "Out of the Dark".

Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)
Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)

The scale of the looking glass is amazing: there are 81 columns in the park, each of which has mirrors on all sides. This means that each visitor is faced with 423 mirrored faces. The labyrinth was named "Field", which means "Field". Blooming trees, green grass, blue sky - all this is reflected many times, respectively, visitors are lost in guessing which of this is real and which is illusory.

Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)
Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)

The presented mirror installation is not only a great pastime for the whole family. Once in Hyde Park, everyone can be in harmony with nature, reflecting on what is true in his own life, thinking about what surrounds us, what remains in the past, and what awaits around the corner.

Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)
Mirror maze in Hyde Park (Sydney)

In our photo report about the mirror maze in Hyde Park, we used photographs of ordinary people who visited this wonderful place and published their reviews on the social network Instagram. By the way, earlier on the website Culturology. Ru we have already written about talking heads, another installation that adorns this park …
