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Vivid photos of the Indian wedding that rocked the internet
Vivid photos of the Indian wedding that rocked the internet

Video: Vivid photos of the Indian wedding that rocked the internet

Video: Vivid photos of the Indian wedding that rocked the internet

A wedding is a significant day for every person, especially if it takes place between people who endlessly love each other. This is what happened to this pair of men, who played a traditional, Hindu wedding and, thanks to their amazing photos and their history, became popular on the Internet.

Amit Shah and Aditya Madiraju have been married since 2018
Amit Shah and Aditya Madiraju have been married since 2018

A married couple from New Jersey, represented by Amit Shah and Aditya Madiraj, entered into a legal marriage in 2018. They met through a mutual friend in 2016, starting to correspond on the Internet.

They wanted to hold a religious ceremony in addition to their civil union
They wanted to hold a religious ceremony in addition to their civil union

- Shah recalls.

The wedding ceremony of the spouses took place in the courthouse. - Shah notes. In the same year, the couple adopted a dog from the shelter, which they named Adam. The couple chose the name for the pet together, combining their own.

The couple wanted to have a traditional Hindu wedding

The holiday consisted of three parts
The holiday consisted of three parts

Men have always known that they would like to hold not only a civil ceremony, but also a religious one. The couple notes that they dreamed of having people they respect and love at their wedding.

Madiraju also said:. That is why the couple invited them to the celebration, which took place in 2019.

The celebration planned by the couple consisted of three parts. It included both traditional Hindu customs and more relaxed moments. Thanks to the fact that Amit is the owner of a wedding planning company, the couple were able to quickly determine the style of the celebration, as well as various little things and details., Says Shah.

Mehendi ceremony - not just for women

Mehendi is not just for women
Mehendi is not just for women

The celebration of the wedding of a same-sex couple began with the so-called mehendi ceremony, during which the hands of the grooms were covered with various henna patterns. It is noteworthy that such a tradition still exists in India, but the bride's hands and skin are painted there. It is noted that such a tradition, including the choice of design and pattern, brings good luck. And the deeper and richer the color of the picture, the more love the second half will give. Madiraju also noted that they wanted to break the ancient stereotype that men cannot pass the mehendi tradition and that it is exclusively a feminine privilege.

The ceremony was attended only by the people closest to the couple

Madirajoo and Shah with their mothers
Madirajoo and Shah with their mothers

In total, the couple invited about 20-30 people to the celebration, among whom were the parents of the suitors themselves. Madiraju also noted that the best part of the celebration for him was the moment when his mother was really having fun and relaxing with them, plunging into Indian traditions., - said the groom.

The couple also performed a traditional ceremony at a Hindu temple

Their official ceremony was attended by about 50 guests
Their official ceremony was attended by about 50 guests

India is one of the few countries that until recently held a ban on same-sex relationships until 2018. At the same time, the Supreme Court finally canceled one of the norms of the law, which provided for punishment for same-sex couples in the form of ten years in prison. However, India to this day is not considered a country in which same-sex relationships are fully legalized. In addition, marriages between same-sex couples are not recognized there to this day, which significantly reduces the number of religious, traditional ceremonies held in this country.

The family played a big role in the wedding
The family played a big role in the wedding

However, the couple of Shah and Madiraju were able to hold a much brighter and more colorful ceremony in New Jersey. In the temple itself, in which the action took place, the couple invited a few guests, among whom were both friends and acquaintances. The grooms also noted that they had to significantly shorten the guest list as it was incredibly difficult to plan ahead. In addition, they had to sweat and run around the city in search of good clothes for the invited guests.

The final part of the ceremony was the Sangeet reception

The Sangeet Party
The Sangeet Party

As a rule, Sangeet is held before the wedding and is a dance party for the future couple. However, Shah and Madiraju decided to hold it later, at the very end of their day. The couple also wanted the party to be as calm and relaxed as possible, and for this they rented a hall in an Indian fusion restaurant Pondicheri.

The couple designed their own outfits for Sangeet
The couple designed their own outfits for Sangeet

Added Madiraj.

The couple independently planned their outfits, as well as clothing for their loved ones. Anita Dongre helped create the main festive ensemble, and Bohame was responsible for the mehendi.

Photos from the couple's wedding on social media quickly went viral

The couple's wedding photos went viral
The couple's wedding photos went viral

The Instagram post that Shah wrote on his wedding day has received over 20,000 likes and comments to date. The couple also reported that they received a lot of nice messages, as well as congratulations on the wedding, in which people said that they were doing an important thing. The couple noted that they just celebrated their day and did not set out to make it a revolutionary event.

- notes Shah. The couple uses their popularity, which fell on them unexpectedly, for good purposes. When their photos just started going viral, Shah responded to every comment, saying that he didn't want anyone to feel left out or forgotten.

Madirajoo and Shah with their families
Madirajoo and Shah with their families

Today they use their Instagram to support many same-sex couples, so they too have happy and strong marriages.

The couple also notes that it doesn't matter where and how the wedding takes place, whether it is religious or not, the most important thing is to be happy:.

The couple actively maintains their social networks and helps others

They are active on social networks and communicate with their subscribers
They are active on social networks and communicate with their subscribers

Once Shah said that he feels responsible for himself and wants to help other people in accepting themselves and their love for others:.

The couple also launched their own YouTube channel after gaining insane popularity. There they talk about what same-sex relationships really are, what they are like, and why you shouldn't be ashamed of them., Says Madiraja.

The couple is also committed to answering questions from their readers in each new video.

Madiraju says the best part of marriage is not hiding anymore

The couple launched a YouTube channel
The couple launched a YouTube channel

The couple talk about how they can finally feel normal now, that they no longer feel awkward or anxious when they talk to someone about themselves or their soul mate.

The wedding brought a sense of relief
The wedding brought a sense of relief

Says the couple.

Continuing the topic, read also about being on their solemn day.
