People under the sign of fish: a funny photo project by Ted Sabarese
People under the sign of fish: a funny photo project by Ted Sabarese

Video: People under the sign of fish: a funny photo project by Ted Sabarese

Video: People under the sign of fish: a funny photo project by Ted Sabarese
People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution
People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution

People and fish very similar. You have no idea to what extent. But the witty photo artist Ted Sabarese has a great idea, and therefore he was able to clearly show the full extent of our relationship with cold and wet, but nevertheless big-eyed and sincere creatures. What do a person have in common with the fish they are going to eat? Now Sabarese will explain everything.

People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution
People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution

With his new photo project, Ted Sabarese is trying to insert visual cents into a long-standing controversy between creationists and supporters of Darwin's evolutionary theory. He says: "My pictures create a vicious circle in an argument: is it really so hard to believe that our ancestors came out of the sea millions of years ago?"

People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution
People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution

Looking at pictures of people and fishcarefully edited by Sabarese, you understand: there is a lot in common between us and our underwater ancestors! The most ordinary citizens became the models for the photographs of the works, which is typical for the work of this artist (for example, for the project "Unusual Office Dress Code", which we have already written about).

People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution
People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution
People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution
People under the sign of fish: a photo project in defense of evolution

The project depicting " people under the sign of fish", is called" Evolution. "Maybe he will not reconcile atheists with supporters of divine creation, but he can amuse both the former and the latter.
