Origami for 1.5 thousand pounds. Creativity of Sipho Mabona (Sipho Mabona)
Origami for 1.5 thousand pounds. Creativity of Sipho Mabona (Sipho Mabona)

Video: Origami for 1.5 thousand pounds. Creativity of Sipho Mabona (Sipho Mabona)

Video: Origami for 1.5 thousand pounds. Creativity of Sipho Mabona (Sipho Mabona)
Video: Teenage Bra | Beginner Bra | Bra for School Girls | First Bra Collections | Style Album BD - YouTube 2024, September
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona

To whom you tell - they will not believe that the most expensive and most famous author of paper "sculptures" -origami is not a Japanese at all, but a European designer and artist known as Sipho Mabona … At one time, his work graced the cover of the book of the Japan Origami Academic Society, and to acquire one of the works of this author, you will have to pay no more, no less, up to 1.5 thousand pounds. And this happens because Sipho Mabona treats origami creativity with reverence, especially to those works that he does with his own hands. So, sometimes it takes him up to several months to make a single figure … More precisely, to think over and draw a diagram. And this is very difficult, given the specifics of the author's work.

Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona

When working on origami, Sipho Mabona uses one solid square of paper - and nothing else. No cuts, no tears, just folds and folds. And flawless, subtle, meticulous detailing of every figurine, every insect or animal. For this, the works of Sipho Mabona are appreciated in the society of both creators and connoisseurs of origami.

Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona
Original origami by Sipho Mabona

And it all started when baby Mabona made an airplane from a sheet of notebook paper. For more than 30 years, this small innocent hobby has become a lifelong work, and children's crafts have grown stronger and grown into stunning paper sculptures, indistinguishable from the original. It is known that Sipho Mabona's works were among the finalists of the Red Bull Paper Wings in 2006, and are also in the personal collections of origami connoisseurs throughout the country, in particular in Canada, Italy, France, Germany, and the United States.
