Virtual Museums at Google Art Project
Virtual Museums at Google Art Project

Video: Virtual Museums at Google Art Project

Video: Virtual Museums at Google Art Project
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Virtual Museums at Google Art Project
Virtual Museums at Google Art Project

There are a huge number of people in the world who, in principle, are not averse to walking through museums, that's just too lazy to get up from a comfortable soft chair for this. And there are those who are ready to get up from it, but the financial situation or lack of time does not allow to go to another city or another country to see the "Mona Lisa", "The Appearance of Christ to the People" and other masterpieces of painting. It is precisely for such people, and indeed for all lovers of fine art, that a resource appeared Art Project from company Google.

Virtual Museums at Google Art Project
Virtual Museums at Google Art Project

Google makes the world different. Thanks to her, we really learned what the Earth looks like from Space, what the Space itself looks like, we got the most detailed and voluminous maps in the world, the most convenient and reliable postal service, a search engine and much, much more that directly affects our life.

Virtual Museums at Google Art Project
Virtual Museums at Google Art Project

Another incredibly useful service from Google is Street View, which allows anyone to walk the streets of many cities around the world without leaving their computer screen. And now we can not only walk along the streets, but also enter buildings. True, not in all, but in specific seventeen buildings, which are the world's largest museums of our time.

Virtual Museums at Google Art Project
Virtual Museums at Google Art Project

This opportunity is given to us by a new service from Google corporation called Art Project, presented on February 1 this year. This is, in essence, the same Street View, but you can use it not to walk along the streets, but in museums.

Virtual Museums at Google Art Project
Virtual Museums at Google Art Project

At the moment, seventeen museums from different parts of the world are available in the Google Art Project. These are the Metropolitan Museum and Museum of Modern Art in New York, the Palace of Versailles in Paris, the National Gallery in London and many other institutions of this kind and scale. From Russian museums, the Tretyakov Gallery and the Hermitage are represented here. But this list will continue to expand and expand.

With the help of the Google Art Project, right on the project website, you can walk through the halls of museums, view interiors, paintings, sculptures, read captions to them, the history of their creation, biographies of artists, leave comments, talk about your impressions, give advice, etc.

The paintings themselves were shot at a resolution of 7 gigapixels (yes, exactly 7 billion pixels!) So art connoisseurs, if they wish, can see every crack in the canvases, examine in detail and enjoy the confident strokes of their favorite artists.
