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9 Russian actors who do not advertise family ties with famous parents
9 Russian actors who do not advertise family ties with famous parents

The new offspring of the acting dynasties that appear on our screens today usually do not hide their roots. An example of this is the wonderful Russian actress, whom everyone fondly calls "Dartanyanovna". However, some children from acting families come out on screens without advertising family ties, and sometimes become even more famous than their famous parents.

Acting dynasty of the Nilovs

Gennady, Alexey and Elizaveta Nilov
Gennady, Alexey and Elizaveta Nilov

The father of the famous actor Alexei Nilov Gennady became a movie star in the 60s after the release of the movie "Three plus two", where he played one of the main roles. His further career was not very successful, although he worked until the 90s. But his son, who received national fame as Captain Larin in "Streets of Broken Lanterns", has been successfully filming to this day. Today Alexey Nilov is an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, a sought-after actor with a solid filmography. His daughter, in turn, also chose the acting profession, plays in the Academic drama. Theater named after Komissarzhevskaya and acts in films.

Yegor Beroev - the successor of the acting dynasty

Vadim Beroev, Vadim Mikheenko and Egor Beroev
Vadim Beroev, Vadim Mikheenko and Egor Beroev

Yegor Beroev professionally also clearly surpassed his father, whom he starred in the 70s. However, here one could recall the grandfather of his beloved actor - Vadim Borisovich Beroev, who starred in 1967 in the film "Major Whirlwind" as a famous scout. By the way, Yegor's grandmother and mother were also theater actresses at one time.

Denis Klyaver - the son of Ilya Oleinikov

Ilya Oleinikov and Denis Klyaver
Ilya Oleinikov and Denis Klyaver

The father of the famous former "Teapot" Ilya Oleinikov was the founder of the program "Gorodok", which blew up television screens in the 90s. Denis Klyaver also became a famous singer and soloist of the group "Tea for Two". After the collapse of the collective, he very successfully implements a solo career and tries his hand at being a TV presenter.

Mikhail Politseimako - the son of Semyon Farada

Semyon Farada and Mikhail Politseimako
Semyon Farada and Mikhail Politseimako

The son of Semyon Farada did not want to go to a theater university, but gave up under the pressure of parental authority. By the way, he also became the successor of the old acting dynasty. His grandfather, People's Artist of the USSR Vitaly Politseimako, was an actor in the BDT and even a Stalin Prize laureate. Mikhail has been acting in films since the age of 10 and today has about 100 roles in films, plays in the theater and is known as a TV presenter.

Matvey Lykov - the son of Alexander Lykov

Alexander Lykov and Matvey Lykov
Alexander Lykov and Matvey Lykov

Matvey Lykov did not even think about the acting profession and chose a modeling business for himself, and he achieved impressive success in this field: at the end of 2008 he entered the top 50 most popular male models in the world, and in 2009 - in the list of 10 most demanded catwalk models. However, he could not refuse when Timur Bekmambetov himself offered him the main role in the new film. However, to date, the film "He-Dragon" remains the only cinematic work of Matvey.

Pavel Kassinsky - the son of Roman Kartsev

Roman Kartsev and Pavel Kassinsky
Roman Kartsev and Pavel Kassinsky

Pavel Kassinsky, who successfully made his film debut in the TV series "Soldiers", may not have surpassed his famous father in popularity yet, but he is quite successful in acting in films. Although at first this star child did not want to follow in his father's footsteps so much that he even graduated from medical school.

Maria Mashkova - daughter of Vladimir Mashkov

Vladimir Mashkov and Maria Mashkova
Vladimir Mashkov and Maria Mashkova

But Maria Mashkova, who first appeared on the stage at the age of 7, at the age of 12 already got her first role in a movie and has practically never left the screens since then. Although at the beginning of her career, the girl could not decide on the choice of a profession and even entered the Faculty of Economics, but in the end the genes took their toll.

Alexey Makarov - son of Lyubov Polishchuk

Lyubov Polishchuk and Alexey Makarov
Lyubov Polishchuk and Alexey Makarov

Born into an artistic family (Alexei's father was also a pop artist), his son Lyubov Polishchuk also chose the profession of an actor. He entered GITIS only on the second attempt, and after graduation he worked at the Mossovet Theater. The actor's finest hour came after the release of the film "Personal number", in which he played the main role. For this work, Alexei Makarov even received a special award - a prize from the FSB of Russia.

Fedor Dobronravov and his children

Fedor Dobronravov and his children Victor and Ivan Dobronravov
Fedor Dobronravov and his children Victor and Ivan Dobronravov

Fedor Dobronravov himself has starred in more than 120 films and TV series and earned the title of People's Artist of the Russian Federation. Both sons followed in his footsteps and became actors. The senior Victor's career also became truly stellar. In 2018, he received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, starred and dubbed almost a hundred films and television series, constantly plays in the theater. The youngest son Ivan is still less known, although he is also constantly removed. In 2010 he became a laureate of "Kinotavr". By the way, in the fourth season of the series "Matchmakers" you can see the acting dynasty in full force - the sons played the policemen, while arresting their star father.
