Le Marche - man like meat
Le Marche - man like meat

Video: Le Marche - man like meat

Video: Le Marche - man like meat
Video: Wednesday Thing Creation Tutorial - YouTube 2024, September
Le Marche - man like meat
Le Marche - man like meat

The crisis, of course, struck a blow at the modern consumer society, but still did not destroy it and did not even cause it much damage. And absolutely everything in our time is a commodity, even a person. This is what he says series of illustrations entitled "Le Marche" ("Market")created by French artists Emile Barret and Laurent Ponce.

Le Marche - man like meat
Le Marche - man like meat

Modern society is a society of high technologies, space flights, the Internet, mobile communications. And therefore it is completely incomprehensible how such a medieval social rudiment as slavery can still exist in it. Fortunately, its scale is incomparable with those that were a hundred years ago, and in its classical form it is gradually disappearing.

Le Marche - man like meat
Le Marche - man like meat

But no less than physical slavery, moral, intellectual, ethical and sexual slavery is also terrible. Over the millennia of its existence, civilization has developed a huge number of methods for almost complete control of some people by others. People want to buy each other, people want to control each other.

Le Marche - man like meat
Le Marche - man like meat

A series of works by Emile Barre and Laurent Ponce is dedicated to this. These illustrations show people who are sold on the shelves of the store and market as if they were regular meat. Indeed, very often some people treat others no better than animals fed for slaughter, and even much worse.

Le Marche - man like meat
Le Marche - man like meat

We have already seen a similar event called "Meat Is Murder" by PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals). In it, vegetarian activists also pretended to be meat for sale, defending the right of animals to live. But the works of Emile Barre and Laurent Poncet "Le Marche" are much deeper, they touch on much more important things than the suffering of poor, unfortunate animals, which would never have been born if it were not for the love of people for meat.
