Unique tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano (Indonesia)
Unique tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano (Indonesia)

Video: Unique tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano (Indonesia)

Video: Unique tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano (Indonesia)
Tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano
Tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano

The Indonesian island of Flores is one of the most unusual places on the planet. Tourists come here to see with their own eyes three amazing crater lakeslocated at the top Kelimutu volcano (its height is 1639 m). Despite the fact that all three reservoirs are located on the same mountain range, each of them has its own unique water color, which, moreover, changes from time to time from red to brown, as well as from turquoise to green.

Tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano
Tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano

Due to the extraordinary color of the lake water and the fog constantly swirling over the top of the volcano, Kelimutu has gained fame as a mystical place. Old residents of local villages are sure that the souls of the dead find their shelter in these lakes. Accordingly, each of the reservoirs has a "telling" name: Tiwi Ata Mbupu ("Lake of the Elderly"), Tiwu Nua Muri Kooh Tai ("Lake of Boys and Girls") and Tiwu Ata Polo ("Lake of Evil Spirits, or Enchanted Lake") …

Tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano
Tricolor lakes in the crater of Kelimutu volcano

Scientists have studied this natural phenomenon and found that the color of reservoirs depends on minerals that lie at the bottom of each of the lakes and, dissolving, color the water. In addition, the activity of the volcano also affects the color of the water. By the way, its last eruption was recorded in 1968.
