Fragments of fairy tales. Laura Harris's amazing mosaics
Fragments of fairy tales. Laura Harris's amazing mosaics

Video: Fragments of fairy tales. Laura Harris's amazing mosaics

Video: Fragments of fairy tales. Laura Harris's amazing mosaics
Video: The Costumes Of Reign (Mary, Queen of Scots) - YouTube 2024, September
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist

Artist Laura Harris from Wisconsin always knew how and loved to draw, this talent was gifted to her from birth. But at one time, contrary to the expectations of family and friends, she received a philological education, worked in her specialty and repeatedly became the best teacher in Wisconsin. However, for more than 25 years, Laura Harris has been forced to devote herself entirely to her favorite hobby, giving up her no less beloved work. The fact is that in 1985 the artist was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, which made her resign from her teaching position. Since then, she has been working at home, and in her home art workshop creates the same amazing mosaics, which brought her fame both at home and abroad. Laura Harris lays out portraits and landscapes in her inimitable, individual manner from pieces and fragments of a wide variety of materials, small parts of various techniques, as well as keys, beads, buttons and pebbles. In her mosaics, realistic plots are combined with fairy-tale motives, and elements of surrealism, to which the artist is clearly not indifferent, add magic. Someone may note that the work of Laura Harris vaguely resembles something from the work of Salvador Dali, but this effect, most likely, is created by the large and small gears of wrist and wall clocks, which the artist actively uses in her paintings.

The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist

Despite the fact that the artist's disease is progressing, she does not lose her cheerfulness, and from time to time she even jokes that multiple sclerosis is a good helper for her creative hobby. Working with fragments of porcelain, glass and ceramics, there is always a danger of being cut by their sharp edges, but since the disease has "rewarded" the artist with such a symptom as tissue numbness, she rarely experiences acute pain, even when she happens to inadvertently grab one or another fragment. Having got the opportunity to concentrate on creativity, Laura Harris carefully thinks over each plot of the future mosaic, so they look so "alive" and "real", and in each of them there is a whole story, a fairy tale, a poem.

The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist
The Magic Mosaics of Laura Harris, Multiple Sclerosis Artist

Today Laura Harris is a successful and celebrated artist whose work has been featured in numerous contests, exhibitions and festivals of contemporary art that take place around the world. And for five years in a row, an American artist with progressive multiple sclerosis has regularly won awards and grants at an international level.
