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11 most common quotes on the Internet (and not only) that are actually fakes
11 most common quotes on the Internet (and not only) that are actually fakes

Video: 11 most common quotes on the Internet (and not only) that are actually fakes

Video: 11 most common quotes on the Internet (and not only) that are actually fakes
Video: The WORST Toddler & Parent Tantrums Ever! | Toddlers And Tiaras - YouTube 2024, April

“The main problem with quotes on the Internet is that people immediately believe in their authenticity,” wrote Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin. This is briefly about the principle by which quotes are created in the global network on behalf of great leaders, poets, scientists, actors. And in fact, even an ordinary silly phrase, framed in a picture with some thinker, begins to look like a rhinestone deeper and more truthful. So much more truthful that Lenin begins to think about the Internet.

If this phrase is more likely to laugh (or ridicule), then some of the phrases that have become widespread, in fact, belong to another author or do not have one author at all. It is worth giving credit to the fact that often such aphorisms are very suitable for the one to which they are attributed, moreover, due to this, they gain popularity. A phrase has been circulating on the Internet for a long time, but rather even a picture with words that supposedly belong to Vysotsky: "You may be infinitely right, but what good is it if your woman is crying?" On the Internet, this phrase is naturally especially liked by women, and of this age, who are definitely far from creativity, and even more so knowledge of Vysotsky's biography, otherwise they would have been aware that the poet and heartthrob was never particularly interested in the feelings of his ladies. And the author of this aphorism is the young poet Kirill Tabishev.

Vysotsky was taken away long ago for quotes
Vysotsky was taken away long ago for quotes

The position is, of course, convenient, using the authority of this or that famous figure and the Internet, you can force him to “say” almost anything, and on the Internet there will always be those who will spread and like even the most obvious fake.

Faina Ranevskaya

The real queen of quotes and aphorisms
The real queen of quotes and aphorisms

It seems that all the words of the great actress, who in fact was an extremely eloquent and deep person, sharp-tongued, with a great sense of humor, have already been taken apart into quotes. But it is she who is most often credited on the Internet with all sorts of quotes and aphorisms, and sometimes outright vulgarity. What sharp jokes actually belong to Faina Ranevskaya, and what quotes were attributed to her we have already told, however, I share where the truth is and where the lie is, it is always worth remembering that Ranevskaya is a completely special person and most of her statements are not just funny and biting, but also incredibly deep. But even after the death of the artist, her words sometimes disturb the peace, and even her. For example, her phrase about "Actually, there are only two perversions: field hockey and ice ballet" began to use minorities, with some postscripts. When the activists, who, by the way, took to the streets with posters on which Ranevskaya's phrase actually flaunted, were threatened with a fine, they turned to the authority of the actress, they say, not we - Ranevskaya. So, Faina Ranevskaya became a defendant in the proceedings with the involvement of the police posthumously.

Alexander Nevskiy

The phrase about the sword is firmly connected with the name of the prince, even if he did not utter it
The phrase about the sword is firmly connected with the name of the prince, even if he did not utter it

Old Russian prince famous phrase "Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword", did say, but only in the film of the Soviet director "Alexander Nevsky". The film was released already in 1938 and, of course, was forgotten during this time. In addition, this aphorism is ideal for many cases, even President Vladimir Putin quoted it, referring to the ancient Russian prince. The phrase itself is taken from the Bible and sounds like "everyone who takes the sword will die by the sword", the scriptwriters remade it without even suspecting that put into the lips of the hero the most real catch phrase for centuries.

Joseph Stalin

Stalin is put into the mouth of extremely harsh phrases
Stalin is put into the mouth of extremely harsh phrases

The Soviet leader, in contrast to the ancient Russian prince, as if had more opportunities to be remembered by a contemporary and leave more quotations. However, most of the existing ones, as it turned out, do not belong to him at all. Yes, Joseph Vissarionovich, known as a tough and even cruel leader, could have said that, but he, in principle, was not distinguished by eloquence and the desire to explain himself gracefully. "No man - no problem" - despite the fact that for the most part Stalin's policy is best described by this phrase, it is not known how he would react when he heard it, because he did not say it. In fact, the aphorism from the novel "Children of the Arbat" by Anatoly Rybakov, it was he who attributed it to Stalin. Rumor has it that the author of the novel, then ironed for a long time, meeting his phrase as a Stalinist quote in the newspapers. About what the death of a person is a tragedy, and the death of millions is statistics, Stalin did not say either, this is the phrase of their story "Black Obelisk" by Remarque. And yes, "We have no irreplaceable" - the phrase used in many documentaries about Stalin, perhaps he uttered, was put into circulation by US President Woodrow Wilson, and then Roosevelt often repeated, while Soviet journalists attributed this phrase to Stalin. Well, what, quite a phrase suitable for the leader of the country. The phrase that "There are no prisoners of war in the Red Army, there are only traitors and traitors to the Motherland." is also attributed to Stalin, but there is no evidence that he said such a thing. There is such a phrase in the certificate on the rehabilitation of victims of political repression, but it does not indicate that these words belong to the Soviet leader. And if it had actually been said by him, then with a greater degree of probability, they would not have forgotten to indicate this.

Winston Churchill

It's more pleasant when the prime minister praises, not the historian
It's more pleasant when the prime minister praises, not the historian

Another catch phrase is no longer attributed to Stalin, but about Stalin himself. "Stalin took Russia with a plow, and left with an atomic bomb", allegedly this high assessment was given by Churchill, who in fact treated both the Soviet people and their leader with great caution. But he did not speak only about the plow and the atomic bomb. In fact, this phrase first appeared in an article by Nina Andreeva, a famous Stalinist, and she pointed out Churchill as the author of the statement. Indeed, such a phrase from the lips of the British Prime Minister sounds much more impressive than from Nina herself. However, this idea was previously voiced by the historian Isaac Deutscher, and in Andreeva's article there is only a translation.

Queen of France Marie Antoinette

It looked like Marie Antoinette, who did not say the phrase about bread and cakes
It looked like Marie Antoinette, who did not say the phrase about bread and cakes

Phrase about "If they don't have bread, let them eat cakes." attributed to Marie-Antoinette, who was executed during the French Revolution. Thus, she became the personification of how far those in power are from the needs of ordinary people. This phrase is found in "Confessions" by Jean-Jacques Rousseau, it is pronounced in the work by a crowned person who is associated with Mary. But even with a cursory examination, you can see that at the time the book was published, the girl lived in another country and was still too young. Moreover, why use such a hackneyed catch phrase in order to express the gap between privileged individuals and society, after all, nothing has changed much for so many years, and officials are throwing phrases that are no less catchy. "Makaroshkas always cost the same", "Nobody asked you to give birth" - this list was recently replenished "Freebie is over" - this phrase was dropped by the Minister of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Bashkortostan Lenara Ivanova at the meeting, warning that "coronavirus" unemployment payments will soon be discontinued.

Sigmund Freud

I wonder what Freud's habit meant according to Freud?
I wonder what Freud's habit meant according to Freud?

A scientist known for seeing hidden symbolism in everything and explaining much in human behavior with hidden symbols and the desire for sexual satisfaction. It is not so much his quotes that are known, but his very name. After all, it is enough to drop, they say, "what would Uncle Freud say to this" or "Freudian slip of the tongue" in order to give a person's actions a certain sacred meaning, which has been unraveled. Phrase "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar" means that you should not look for hidden meaning in everything and deliberately complicate everything. It is attributed to Freud, who allegedly did not let go of the cigar, of course, his students could not help pinning him with this moment, to which he answered them with this phrase. However, there is no evidence that it belongs to the psychoanalyst, moreover, the first mentions of it are found after his death.

Mikhail Saltykov-Shchedrin

Saltykov-Shchedrin already owns a lot of deep phrases
Saltykov-Shchedrin already owns a lot of deep phrases

Aphorism "If I fall asleep and wake up in a hundred years and they ask me what is happening in Russia now, I will answer: I drink and steal." is often attributed to a satirical writer, but there is no written evidence in his writings that would lead to such a conclusion. A similar thought was expressed by Peter Vyazemsky, but in the form, the phrase to which we are accustomed, was said by Alexander Rosenbaum in an interview.

Nikolay Gogol

Mikhail Zadornov hid behind the authority of Gogol - such were the times
Mikhail Zadornov hid behind the authority of Gogol - such were the times

It is this Russian writer who is most often credited with the authorship of the legendary phrase "There are two troubles in Russia - fools and roads" … However, he is not alone in this, Karamzin, Nekrasov, Radishchev, Vyazemsky, and even Nicholas I and Pushkin do not stand aside. In fact, everything is much more prosaic, but that makes it more interesting. The famous Russian satirist Mikhail Zadornov read a monologue (now they would say stand-up) "Country of Heroes", where this phrase appeared. But if Zadornov pointed out his authorship, the phrase on which he made big bets would certainly have been nullified by censorship, which is why he made a reference to Gogol and the idea was a success. Therefore, the phrase is attributed to Gogol precisely in order to get around the first Russian misfortune.

Louis XV French king

This phrase is relevant at all times
This phrase is relevant at all times

It is he who is credited with the cynical "After us, even a flood", or his favorite, the Marquise de Pomapadour. The French army was defeated in one of the important battles of the Seven Years' War, consoling him, the Marquise said, they say, do not be so upset, there will be a flood anyway. This is a hint that a comet is approaching the earth and the end is near - these were the rumors that Paris was then full of. There was nothing seditious in her words, but the ill-wishers filled her with a cynical meaning. In fact, this is a Greek mythological proverb, albeit a little paraphrased.

Vladimir Lenin

They also love Lenin on the Internet, apparently since school
They also love Lenin on the Internet, apparently since school

Despite the fact that the precepts of Vladimir Ilyich are remembered by any adult, some of his statements have reached descendants, clearly in a distorted form. And so distorted that their meaning has changed diametrically. "Any cook can run the state" With this phrase, allegedly said by Lenin, the socialists like to trump, but it is only true because Vladimir Ilyich really mentioned the cook and the government in one sentence. But it sounds like: We know that any laborer and any cook are not able to immediately take over the government."

Jason Statham

Does Statham know that against the background of his photographs on the Internet they write all sorts of nonsense?
Does Statham know that against the background of his photographs on the Internet they write all sorts of nonsense?

If you leave politics and history and plunge into the purest Internet, then there is no equal to Stekhem, he is just a super-star of the so-called "boys' publics", groups in which boys and guys of a certain worldview gather. What can we hide, Stethem is the personification of boyish ideas about courage: pumped up, athletic, silent, and even loves to speak deep thoughts in interviews, something from the category "People are now cheaper than their clothes." In all the variety of quotes that are attributed to the actor, go and figure out what was actually told to him, and which is fiction, at best, by journalists, and at worst, by Internet users. There are a lot of blanks in order to create your own meme with Stethem and "make" him say the right phrase. The Internet forces you to look at many things in a completely different way, sometimes an absolutely absurd phrase that has nothing to do with the original source can become so popular that it will not even become so important, but what was there in the beginning.
