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7 most significant historical finds made by archaeologists in 2017
7 most significant historical finds made by archaeologists in 2017

Video: 7 most significant historical finds made by archaeologists in 2017

Video: 7 most significant historical finds made by archaeologists in 2017
Video: Drunk Santas FLOOD NYC for Charity - SANTACON 2021 - YouTube 2024, September
The most amazing finds of 2017
The most amazing finds of 2017

Every year archaeologists and historians make new discoveries, some of which make significant changes in history. What findings and studies have become the most significant in 2017 - further in the review.

1. Metal that was mined in Atlantis (Italy)

Ingots of the so-called orichalcum found at Gela (Sicily)
Ingots of the so-called orichalcum found at Gela (Sicily)

A few years ago, an ancient Greek ship was discovered off the coast of Sicily, which sank in the 6th century BC. Examining numerous finds, scientists have found 47 pieces of metal, unlike all those materials known to the Greeks. The Greeks called it orichalcum and believed that this metal was mined only in Atlantis. Modern researchers believe that this is brass, which, indeed, is sometimes found in nature.

2. Letter from the Devil, written in 1676 (Italy)

Letter from the Devil, written in the hand of a Catholic nun, 1676
Letter from the Devil, written in the hand of a Catholic nun, 1676

In 1676, Sister Maria Crocifissa della Concezione, a minister of the Church, stated that she was in contact with the Devil, who wanted to turn her off the righteous path. A nun living in a monastery in Sicily, unconscious, indeed wrote several letters in a language that no one could understand. For several centuries, these documents were stored in the archives, until in 2017 the staff of the science museum could finally decipher the code. They used software, dictionaries of ancient Greek, Arabic and Latin, and even the runic alphabet. The Devil's letter turned out to be a jumble of words in different languages, which do not even make up a coherent text. But curses and heretical phrases are often found there. The head of the museum believes that the polyglot nun may have suffered from schizophrenia and recorded the "voices" that spoke to her.

3. "Aging" of the digit zero (Pakistan)

The Bakshali manuscript is a collection of mathematical problems in Ancient India
The Bakshali manuscript is a collection of mathematical problems in Ancient India

In 1881, the Bakshali manuscript was discovered in British India. It is a stack of birch bark sheets covered with mathematical problems. The work of Indian scientists had previously attracted considerable interest, but after carrying out radiocarbon analysis, it became clear that the document was even older than previously thought. The fragile wooden pages now date back to the 2nd-4th century AD. The main fact of this discovery: the number "zero" is at least five centuries older than previously thought.

Designation of numbers in the Bakshali manuscript
Designation of numbers in the Bakshali manuscript

4. Ancient Greek gem that revolutionized art (Greece)

Ancient Greek gem, 1500 BC
Ancient Greek gem, 1500 BC

In 2016, during excavations in the Greek Pylos, an archaeological expedition discovered an ancient burial. Many metal objects were found in the grave of a 30-35-year-old Mycenaean warrior, incl. swords, dishes, household items, expensive jewelry. But the most important find in the grave of the "warrior-griffin" was a gem, a semi-precious stone with artistic carvings.

A Minoan warrior impales his opponent
A Minoan warrior impales his opponent

Such decorations were very popular in Antiquity, and now they attract historians and art critics. On a gem of the 15th century BC depicts a Minoan warrior who pierces the Achaean warrior with a sword. The delicate work is strikingly different from other images of that era in its realism and elaboration of details. The muscles of men attract particular attention. It is striking that the entire sculptural group took up a space of only 3.5 centimeters long.

A fragment of the gem, which shows the perfectly traced muscles of the warriors
A fragment of the gem, which shows the perfectly traced muscles of the warriors

5. Bronze hand (Greece)

Bronze hand of a Greek or Roman statue
Bronze hand of a Greek or Roman statue

In 1900, an ancient Roman ship was discovered near the Greek island of Antikythera. Throughout the century, archaeologists have continued to search the site of the shipwreck, and historians have been researching numerous finds. The last of these is a bronze hand from one of seven statues still resting at a depth of 50 meters.

A bronze hand found at the bottom of the Aegean Sea
A bronze hand found at the bottom of the Aegean Sea

6. Skeleton of a Steller cow (Russia)

Steller's cow skeleton found on an island near Kamchatka
Steller's cow skeleton found on an island near Kamchatka

The Steller cow is a large marine mammal similar to the manatee or dugong. Until the 18th century, these animals up to 10 meters long and weighing up to 5 tons lived near the Commander Islands near Kamchatka. Unfortunately, having become an object of hunting for sailors, all Steller's cows were destroyed. Nevertheless, amazing animals still sometimes remind of themselves. In November 2017, on Bering Island, while walking around the beach, a researcher of the reserve discovered huge ribs sticking out of the sand. During the excavations, it turned out that this is the skeleton of a Steller cow with a length of about 6 meters.

A huge animal that can only be found in Russia
A huge animal that can only be found in Russia
Steller's cow hunting
Steller's cow hunting

7.600-year-old Buddha statue (China)

A statue of Buddha discovered in China
A statue of Buddha discovered in China

In the Chinese province of Jiangxi, one of the reservoirs had to drop the water level by 10 meters. After that, on one of the rocks, local residents saw an image of a stone Buddha. According to preliminary estimates, the 4-meter statue is between 400 and 600 years old. It is only part of a submerged temple complex that has long been considered lost.

Many more secrets and artifacts of the past are hidden in the ground, which, like 5 astounding archaeological finds in recent years could force you to rewrite history.
