Cypress Guitar: Country Landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta
Cypress Guitar: Country Landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta

Video: Cypress Guitar: Country Landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta

Video: Cypress Guitar: Country Landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta
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Cypress Guitar: Country Landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta
Cypress Guitar: Country Landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta

Plant a tree and raise a son, you say? Argentinean Pedro Martin Ureta fulfilled this plan. And he exceeded it: a huge green guitar made of 7 thousand cypresses and eucalyptus trees is a memory of his late wife Graziela. Rural landscape design is visible from the air - and, probably, the beloved woman of an Argentine farmer sees a green guitar from heaven.

70-year-old Argentinean Pedro Martin Ureta lives in the province of Cordoba. He embodied the idea of non-standard country landscape design many years ago when his 25-year-old beloved wife died. The misfortune happened in 1977, that is, 34 years have passed since then.

Rural landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta: not Photoshop!
Rural landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta: not Photoshop!

One day, while flying over the pampa by plane, Graziela noticed a farm with interesting outlines and also wanted to try herself in country landscape design. It would be great to plant a garden in the shape of a favorite musical instrument, especially since its silhouette is recognizable.

But her husband then had no time for guitars and unusual landscapes. Things got stuck, there was no time left, the conversation about planting trees was postponed … and never took place.

Country landscape design in memory of the spouse
Country landscape design in memory of the spouse

After the woman he loved quickly faded away, Pedro Martin Ureta bit his elbows due to the fact that he was not sensitive enough to her. The feeling of guilt tormented the Argentine so much that he decided to fulfill the desire of his deceased wife and grow a guitar out of trees on the site.

Rural landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta: 7 thousand trees
Rural landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta: 7 thousand trees

Contacting specialized firms gave nothing. Not a single landscape designer dared to embody such a daring idea. I had to do everything myself: take the guitar, take measurements from it, study the proportions and calculate the required scale. And then call for help from the household. Children obediently lined up in a row at a distance of three meters from each other and thus marked the places where trees should be planted.

Rural landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta: cypresses and eucalyptus trees
Rural landscaping by Pedro Martin Ureta: cypresses and eucalyptus trees

As time went. Trees grew, children grew, mental wounds healed. Lancet cypress trees (guitar body) and bluish eucalyptus trees (neck and strings) began to attract unexpected guests. Hares and guinea pigs got into the habit of harming the plants, but they got a turn from the gate: they had to fence off the territory so that the animals did not spoil the beautiful landscapes.

Pedro Martin Ureta saw his own creation only in photographs
Pedro Martin Ureta saw his own creation only in photographs

Believe it or not, Pedro Martin Ureta saw his own creation only in photographs: he himself, unlike his late wife, is afraid to fly on an airplane.
