If Mars Had Cities or Astronaut Lives by Hunter Freeman
If Mars Had Cities or Astronaut Lives by Hunter Freeman

Video: If Mars Had Cities or Astronaut Lives by Hunter Freeman

Video: If Mars Had Cities or Astronaut Lives by Hunter Freeman
Video: James Renwick Alliance Distinguished Lecture with Andy Paiko - YouTube 2024, September
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman

Humanity builds the most powerful telescopes, launches artificial satellites, even space weapons and projects for the release of debris into space are being created, in a word, we are mastering outer space as soon as we can, as they say, the rich we are, so happy. And of course, most of all we are happy with the landing of a man on the moon! Yuri Gagarin, Neil Armstrong - these names are known to every inhabitant of the planet Earth. But what do the astronauts do after they return home? This topic is dedicated to the fantasy of the photographer from San Francisco Hunter Freeman.

If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman

Is it always so good and fun to be an astronaut? What fearless conquerors of outer space on our little blue planet? Hunter Freeman has his own take on this! And really, why can't an astronaut watch TV or, say, pick up laundry from the dry cleaner?

If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman

Maybe the brave conquerors of the universe just want to feed the pigeons in the park or get bored on the side of the road, waiting for a ride that will take them to the nearest city?

If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman

Hunter Freeman admits that he "loves to find creative in business, beauty in the world around and humor in people." He also loves “long walks on the beach, films and his work, which includes humor, creativity and a willingness to work with full dedication for as long as required by the task you took on. This is what I mean seriously. No kidding".

If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman

An attentive to detail, calm and hardworking employee is a godsend for any marketing agency, so Hunter Freeman, among other things, conducts PR campaigns for brands such as Apple, Microsoft, Sony, Bell, Heinz, etc.

If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman

Takes Hunter Freeman and commercial photos full of everlasting fun (which is so typical of a photographer) that will surely make anyone smile.

If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman
If Mars had cities or astronaut lives from Hunter Freeman

You can familiarize yourself with the work of the photographer on his website in more detail.
