Artistic drawings on the waterfront of Puerto Vallarta
Artistic drawings on the waterfront of Puerto Vallarta

Video: Artistic drawings on the waterfront of Puerto Vallarta

Video: Artistic drawings on the waterfront of Puerto Vallarta
Video: the desire to be sad: "tragically beautiful" art & romanticizing mental illness - YouTube 2024, September
Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8
Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8

We are used to seeing painting in the form of paintings hanging on the walls. With a big stretch, in the form of graffiti. But painting is not limited to this. There may be completely different, unusual approaches to this art. An example is the drawings from the company West 8created by her on waterfront Mexican city Puerto Vallarta.

Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8
Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8

Urban and landscape design company West 8 is already known to regular readers of Kulturologia. Ru for its work Garden of 10,000 bridges, presented this year at the Xi'an International Horticulture Exhibition.

A new piece from West 8 appeared recently on the Pacific waterfront of the Mexican city of Puerto Vallarta. Or rather, not so! The new piece is itself an embankment!

Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8
Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8

West 8 teamed up with Trama Arquitectos and Estudio 3.14 to transform this embankment into a huge picture. Parts of it can be seen from the eye level of a person walking along this boulevard. But the best and most complete idea of West 8 is revealed from a bird's eye view, or at least the top floor of the multi-storey building closest to the embankment.

Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8
Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8

The mosaic paving stones on the Puerto Vallarta waterfront create amazing paintings of huge sizes, which combine mythical plots of the indigenous population of Mexico, traditional Indian ornaments and a modern approach to art in general and fine art in particular.

Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8
Puerto Vallarta waterfront from West 8

Moreover, these images are created not only with the help of mosaic paving stones, but also with other elements of the Puerto Vallarta embankment: trees, benches, gazebos, etc.

Even people walking along this embankment will become a part of this huge mythological-real picture, created by the specialists of the Dutch company West 8.
