Turning Ducklings Into Swans: Awkward Age Project by Merilee Allred
Turning Ducklings Into Swans: Awkward Age Project by Merilee Allred
Merily Allred's project Awkward Age
Merily Allred's project Awkward Age

For the Awkward Years project, illustrator and designer Meriley Allred asked her acquaintances to find some of their worst shots to prove that everyone has periods of insecurity and dissatisfaction with their appearance, but … they pass over the years.

Merily Allred's project Awkward Age
Merily Allred's project Awkward Age

Probably, almost all of us have had moments in our lives when we looked and felt not in the best way. Many had to wear braces or wear clothes for older brothers or sisters … Many rebelled, did strange hairstyles or put on something that did not at all correspond to their age.

Merily Allred's project Awkward Age
Merily Allred's project Awkward Age

However, time passes, people change, fashion changes, we grow up. All that remains are photographs of us in a ridiculous sweater, oversized glasses, or in my mother’s skirt a couple of sizes larger than our own.

Merily Allred's project Awkward Age
Merily Allred's project Awkward Age

Allred came up with the idea for the project at a time when her close friend was going through not the best period - she was unhappy with her appearance, it seemed to her that she would always look like that. To support her, Merilee found in an old album a photograph of the 80s, where she, then a fifth-grader, was captured in large glasses, and even with a ridiculous perm.

Merily Allred's project Awkward Age
Merily Allred's project Awkward Age

Even twenty years later, Allred's hands were cold at the thought that this picture could be seen by strangers. However, she overcame her fear. Moreover, Merili asked relatives, friends and even strangers to support her in creating such a personal, but very significant project. She wanted to support people who have withdrawn into themselves, clearly showing that almost everyone experienced something similar in their time.

Merily Allred's project Awkward Age
Merily Allred's project Awkward Age

“We all have at least one photograph that especially compromises us. I asked my friends to choose just such pictures to show people that these moments just need to be lived through, we all change with age,”says the author of the project, Merily Allred.
