Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco
Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco

Video: Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco

Video: Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco
Video: 10 Interesting Facts About Executioners - YouTube 2024, September
Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco
Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco

For years people have been studying the art of playing this or that musical instrument in order to be able to play more or less decently on it. But the Italian Diego Stocco went the other way. He not only created own tools, so also he himself acted as an orchestra playing them.

Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco
Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco

The composer Diego Stocco is known all over the world for the fact that he can play music on literally anything - he makes even the most unthinkable things, such as sand, trees and even a stationery stapler, to be produced. And in his new project, this Italian himself created musical instruments and played them himself, replacing an entire orchestra.

Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco
Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco

This project began with the fact that Diego Stocco began to collect old musical instruments thrown by the owners in a landfill. Some of them were in good working order, while others were broken and smashed. The composer thought for a long time what to do with all this rare wealth, and in the end decided to create new, original instruments from the wreckage, never before seen by anyone.

Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco
Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco

For example, Stokko combined violin with guitar, cello with violin, trumpet with bagpipes. The maestro produced more than a dozen of such strange musical instruments. And he learned to play on each of them, and later he recorded a special musical part.

Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco
Jack of all trades. Orchestra Man Diego Stocco

By combining the parts of all these original musical instruments, Diego Stocco received a unique musical composition, not much like the works of other composers.
