Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad
Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad

Video: Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad

Video: Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad
Video: David Samuel Stern Photopea Tutorial - YouTube 2024, September
Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad
Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad

What do a herbarium and a car park have in common? At first glance, nothing. However, an Israeli designer Ron Arad absolutely disagree with this statement: his installation "Pressed Flowers" Is a collection of Fiat 500 cars that have been pressurized at the shipyard in Groningen (Netherlands) and look like dried flowers.

Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad
Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad

Flowers dried in books are unlikely to cause bewilderment in some of us, but cars that have turned into metal sheets 12 cm wide will cause at least bewilderment. Fiats are now on display at the Tel Aviv Design Museum (Israel), so everyone can see the crushed cars with their own eyes.

Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad
Cars under pressure: original installation by Ron Arad

Of course, before putting the cars under the press, Ron Arad removed the engines and tires from them, and then flattened them, turning them into a metal sandwich. Despite the unpresentable appearance, the car models remained quite recognizable. True, the designer slightly corrected the appearance of the models: he added pressed tires where they were originally located.

Exhibition Flowers under the Press (Tel Aviv. Israel)
Exhibition Flowers under the Press (Tel Aviv. Israel)

The idea of an unusual project came to Ron Arad spontaneously: he decided to experiment with a shipbuilding press and, to his surprise, together with heaps of scrap metal, saw that the crushed car looked very presentable. Carried away by the process, he created a whole collection. By the way, the workers of the plant also did not remain indifferent to what was happening, many came to watch the actions of the designer together with their relatives. Ron Arad jokes that this day has become a real holiday for them.

The fleet that Ron Arad sent to press
The fleet that Ron Arad sent to press

Israeli designer Ron Arad is not the only "barbarian" in the art world. We have previously written about the work of Valerie Hegarty, an artist whose work also clearly demonstrates the destructive power of art.
